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So I have had some changes with my Rockstar stage environment, its quite striking how a few weeks of learning new stuff changes your abilities. a month or so ago I just put together a simple black stage with a drum set. now we have lights smoke music animations A full stadium and some rather shitty looking avatars, animations don't sync right and the avatars are scary, but it does resemble a concert of sorts, my plan for this is  two fold to make a Rockstar scene with groupies and a legit Rockstar simulator for the quest. Using VAM as a testing ground (Sandbox) for the design idea. I think it looks cool in VR really gives of the concert vibe. you can even take possession and feel like a Rockstar, even if it just for a moment ;)

What are your thoughts..?



Coleman Barrett

Awesome work! Like the way you play with the lighting. Partially inspired by you, finally dove into Timeline - so cool and flexible, and makes it really simple to throw together some game/storytelling elements. I also now understand why so few VAM scenes have walking! Even splicing an animation from another scene took way too long and the character did a random twirl I never could figure out how to fix.


Thank you I appreciate the comment. Yes timeline is an amazing plugin hands down, the more I do use it the more I like it, its very helpful for a wide array of animations. as for the walking yup that's a tricky one without body tracking for sure. I am seriously considering getting the vive trackers just for that. I mean while our wonderful ladies do spend most of their time off their feet it would be nice to see them walk somewhere or just to turn around naturally and bend over lol. I did have a breakthrough (at least personally) with recording animations in vam with this scene, I discovered I could possess a character then set up the nodes to record and wella, half the full body tracking rig is there. its weird though because you cant see yourself while your doing it, at least not without a mirror which just kills my frame rate so I'm stuck doing it blind, but it does work and it works quite well, check out the therapist scene, I did that the same way as the guitar playing and singer in this one. trying to figure out how to do it in a daughters whisper now, the wife thinks I'm crazy I think when she comes in and I'm rolling around the floor lol