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I would just like to take a moment to thank everyone for there continued support. you are all amazing, and I am humbled to have so many people interested in my creations. As a thank you I am opening myself up to some requests from you guys, (no added cost and open to every tier level, just my way of saying thank you for what you do for me.) need a custom prop or something like that, if I can help out I will happily. I had a lot of fun putting together Bobbi's Alien Abduction when Kevin Thomas suggested an alien themed idea.

While I do have many ideas floating around my demented mind, some are just technically out of reach at this time because I simply don't know how to technically reproduce my ideas. that will change the more I learn and grow as a creator. 

Why am I telling you this? because I want to provide more for you guys, and I thrive when presented with a challenge. So I am asking you guys if there is anything you would like to see here or something you want for a scene that you haven't found yet , or maybe you too are new creator and haven't yet figured out how to do something, maybe I can help. in fact the only thing at his point I haven't cracked yet is clothing, haven't got a clue where to begin with that. I made a dress in MD did the import to daz then vam, it just kept falling off Lexi to the floor (slow and sexy fall mind you)  but not useful at all. so clothing is still a bottleneck for me, sorry. but outside of that ill give anything a whirl. 

I have pretty much caught up on my coming soon scenes, the getaway is all that's left there, and I have drafted up 4 more scenes that will have custom audio 4 new environments, and I am working really hard to add it interactive elements into the scenes, like turning on and off lights, music, tv,  fire, water and for some interactive props and some full POV stuff that will be hotter than anything I have done so far.

If you have any requests or ideas, lets hear em, who know what we can create together.

HEX ;)


Coleman Barrett

Love the scene concepts lately! The biggest wishlist I have with your material is longer animation sequences and smoother transitions. Sometimes it feels a little like flipping between short GIFs with long loading times in between the transition. The Teachers Pet scenario was great but just felt like I spent most of the time loading sequences up.


I hear ya bro. That's on of the most frustrating things for me as well. I am actively testing timeline now in some test scenes, trying to figure out how to use it and trigger the animations to load up in sub scenes so there is no cut to black load screens. I was able to load poses that way in the redroom. But when I tried to do it with an animated pose VAM would hang on to the first animation and apply it to all subsequent pose loads which ofcourse screwed up everything. But yes I do want much longer animations and smoother transitions. Thank you so much for your comment. I am actively trying to address the very things you mentioned.

Coleman Barrett

just started playing around with animation and triggers myself - so tedious! but your creativity is always so fun. would love to hear any good tutorial or tips you find


Ya for sure it is. But it also makes a world of difference in the scenes. I use the built in scene animations currently. It works well for what it is, the only draw back is triggering the animations or saving them. So they could be called in a sequence. I know Acidbubbles timeline has become the defacto standard animator, I even believe it's going to be native in vam 2.0. I just have a hell of a time with it. I justhavent grasped it yet. The real weak side of vam is its tutorials. Many are out dated and some are just hard to follow or just plain crap. I will be posting tutorials on some things as soon as I am confident that I know the process is correct. I don't want to post something and then learn I was doing something the wrong way, or in a way that it's not supposed to be used adding to an already rather steep and confusing learning curve. But I will gladly share what I know, and if I find good tutorials I'll post links to them for sure.


Thanks for your great work. Personally, I'd like to see some more water assets. Especially a way to separately create a water pool that is dynamic and can affect characters with physics. Maybe you have an idea of how to do this.


Ah yes water assets are fun aren't they. Well I am working on a variety of water assets. Have been test some things out trying to get a realistic effect both above and below the water. Something I have been trying to get is a ripple effect when a character touches the water or is standing in it. Thus far I have been unsuccessful.. but I have managed to figure out other things while playing with it. I do now have a foaming effect that outlines the water where it meets an object, such as the shoreline or when say a character has her feet in the water and a foam efect surrounds her legs. I am also trying to create a shower effect where the particles actually bounce off the skin. Is this what you mean?