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Go here to vote for the character you'd like to see:


Characters in the poll:

Saya - from Blood+ | Image1 Image2

Cait - from Fallout 4 | Image1 Image2

Kasumi - from Dead or Alive | Image1 Image2

Carrera - from Viper GTS | Image1 Image2

Sayoko Bizen - from Slut Girl | Image1 Image2

Inkshade - by TheKite | Image

Alina Duval - by DrGraevling | Image1 Image2

Isabella - by Kashaye | Image  Body-type inspiration

The poll will be open until Saturday morning my time (UTC+1). Get your votes in before then.

[Edit: I received another character, right before I finished typing up this post, but because it was so late and I was tired when I finally posted the thing I forgot to add her to the poll, so I had to edit the poll and add her.]



Carrera please

Ed Wood

Oh neat, you're going with Carrera's Anime/Remake design. This looks interesting :D


Alina :)


Isabella? Who's Isabella in the pool?


I'd vote Isabella, but she doesn't stand a chance... no point splitting the vote. So Alina it is. :)


Don't worry, I will be adding her to next month's poll as well, since it was my mistake that she didn't make it in right away.