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So far this year we've been sharing photos from Jade Hylton's wonderful Drawversity photoshoot - we'll be inviting the models who posed for those photos to come back and pose again for some of our more conventional life and portrait photosets. Jade is also now running live Drawversity classes at Draw, inviting new models who might not have thought about modelling before to come and pose at the sessions. Over the next two months we'll be sharing new portrait, life and clothed  photosets of our wonderful core models before launching into a new body of work - here are a few teasers of rage sets coming up...

What about the future?
We're going to be shooting new photos for the Draw Patreon in May and we'd love your views on what you'd like to see in there! Firstly, pop any comments you have below this post. We'll add those to our own ideas for reference shoots and come back to you with a poll for all Patreon supporters to vote on. 

Happy drawing,



April 2022

  • Esme's Tutu Life Photo-set - Released Friday 1st (All Tiers)
  • Elle's Life Photo-set - Released Friday 8th  (Life/Student Tiers)
  • Manko's Portrait Photo-set - Released Friday 15th  (Portrait Tier)
  • Françoise's Clothed Photo-set - Released Friday 22nd  (Life/Student Tiers)
  • Charlie's Clothed Photo-set - Released Friday 29th  (All Tiers)

May 2022

  • Drawing Circus 'Encampment' Photo-set - Released Friday 6th (All Tiers)
  • Ines's Life Photo-set - Released Friday 11th (Life/Student Tiers)
  • Matt's Portrait Photo-set - Released Friday 18th  (Portrait Tier)
  • Immie's Clothed Photo-set - Released Friday 27th (Life/Student Tiers)


Use the Draw Patreon Navigator to find any of our past photosets and take a look at our blogs on how to gather, manipulate and translate photo reference.


Guidelines for using the photographs

Please do:

  • Download these pictures to your own computers and devices, downloading the Zip files for all images, or saving individual photos.
  • Use the pictures to draw, paint, print and sculpt from, being as realistic or creative as you like
  • Share the artwork you’ve made with us and the world - in books, in exhibitions, on social media, or on your fridge
  • Tag us in work you make (@drawbrighton / #drawbrighton) – you don’t have to, but we love to see what you’ve made!
  • Edit the photo files as reference for your own drawings - you can change the contrasts, colours and backgrounds to provide more tailored reference for yourself.

Please don't:

  • Share these pictures with anybody else – they are between you and us
  • Share the photos themselves online – thanks for respecting our models’ privacy
  • Edit the photo files themselves for artwork – we want to see original work you’ve made




Sally Reckert

Two suggestions: 1. Is there a school of fashion and design that you might liaise with? 2. Atmospherics (air, fire and water) ? I found Evita’s dramatic use of shadow (online 30.3.22 19:00-20:00) both technically challenging and fascinating.