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It has been a while since we've shared a Drawing Circus photo set - being unable to tour for the past two years means we have a dwindling collection of pictures to share. As the clocks went back I was reminded that it has been 13 years since our first large scale themed event - Drawing Cards from the Deck, a Tarrot themed life drawing session at the Komedia in Brighton which catalysed the growth of our regular life class in Brighton. At some point I will share the photos from that auspicious night (shot by Lucy Sparrow, before she was famous!) but for the moment we'll look to a more recent event at the Old Market Theatre; our largest performance of The Sleep of Reason in which 25 models all posed together across the stages, basement and rehearsal rooms of that beloved venue.  We only have photographs of the first-half, the momentous second-half living on only in the tales told around campfires by life drawing elders as they prod the embers of rejected drawings with a charred pencil and weave tales of the times before, when we 200 people could safely draw shoulder-to-shoulder in a confined space. 

Happy drawing, 



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Guidelines for using the photographs

Please do:

  • Use the pictures to draw, paint, print and sculpt from, being as realistic or creative as you like
  • Share the artwork you’ve made with us and the world - in books, in exhibitions, on social media, or on your fridge
  • Tag us in work you make (@drawbrighton / #drawbrighton) – you don’t have to, but we love to see what you’ve made!
  • Edit the screenshots as reference for your own drawings - you can change the contrasts, colours and backgrounds to provide more tailored reference for yourself.

Please don't:

  • Share these pictures with anybody else – they are between you and us
  • Share the pictures themselves online – thanks for respecting our models’ privacy
  • Edit the pictures themselves for artwork – we want to see original work you’ve made




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