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Hello lovely patrons,

Thank you for all of your support over the last month and welcome to all of our new supporters! We'll be running our usual programme of live, online sessions in September but we're also considering adding additional Wednesday life classes to better suit our supporters in the US, New Zealand and Australia -  if that is you, comment on this post if you'd have a preferred time slot. Here's an overview of what to expect this month at Draw:


Blog Posts

Over the next month we'll be posting up a series of blogs to help you make better use of our online resources. You can also always check back over our archive of 90+ previous posts for inspiration HERE

  • Monday 6th Sept Setting up a home studio
  • Monday 13th Sept Life Drawing from home
  • Monday 20th Sept Online Tutored Life Drawing
  • Monday 27th Sept Getting feedback on your drawings



Later this month we'll start adding new photos to all of our old life, portrait and clothed photosets. September will be our final month releasing photos from the Lemonade reference series, with new life, portrait & clothed photo sets of Sophie, Ines, Adrian, Manko, Françoise & Mat coming out this autumn. As always, you can have a look at the Navigator for a full overview of the photo reference we have available. 

  • Friday 3rd Sept Lemonade Photo-set: Back-to-front  (Priss) - All Tiers
  • Friday 10th Sept Lemonade Photo-set: Pensive (Urte) - Portrait / Life / Student Tiers
  • Friday 17th Sept Lemonade Photo-set: Mirrored (Ellie & Ines) - Life / Student Tiers
  • Friday 24th Sept Lemonade Photo-set: Inertia (Mark) - Portrait / Life / Student Tiers


The Draw Journal 2021

Later this month we will be releasing the second issue of our Draw Journal, our annual collection of writing and artwork from the Draw community. A printed copy will be available to buy in the Draw shop and a digital copy will be available for free here on the Patreon. You can read last years Journal here


Future plans

In October we'll be launching improved online sessions and an in-person programme in our new studio in Brighton!  For Life Drawing & Student tier supporters we'll be running through Lance's full 34-week online life drawing programme again, adding a new demonstration video to each of the existing recorded classes. It will be a great time to pick up the course from scratch or work through it again in more depth, using the tutorials to accompany any online or in-person session you come to. We'll also be adding subtitles to our existing videos to make them more accessible. 

At the end of the month we hope to open our in-person classes again here in Brighton! We haven't yet listed the life classes online, but you'll find our first in-person printmaking courses listed HERE. If you're planning on coming to those in-person sessions, Patreon supporters will receive a discount on all of our life drawing classes.


Where does all the money go?

Draw is a social enterprise and you can find details about how our Patreon income is spent here. Alongside the usual pay and royalties distributed to our 40 artists & models we have used money raised on the Patreon to fund the following initiatives this month:

  • Over September our Patreon income is helping to cover our studio rent and bills (around £1500) as we set up our new physical studio space. You can find an update on the work we're doing HERE
  • Covid continues to hit life models hard - very little pre-pandemic work has returned and UK government support for the self employed ends this month. Lots of our models have been ill over the last month and your patronage has allowed us to pay all of those models sick pay - thank you!


And finally...

Several people have asked me about the online printmaking courses that Scarlett runs at Draw. The sessions are run online, through a combination of pre-recorded videos, a box of materials that you receive in the post and live Zoom sessions. There is a Planographic printmaking at home course starting next week HERE, a Relief course in October HERE and an Intaglio course next year HERE. If you wanted to know a bit more about printmaking, you can check out our explainer blogs HERE

Thanks for all your support, and have a lovely month, 



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