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2012 was a time of renewal for the Drawing Circus and our intentions for the future were writ large in the autumn Manifesto. The colour and visual complexity of its sets contrasted with the monochrome Prologue which preceded it, covered in our past three 'Circus photo-sets (see Prologue Parts One, Two and Three). 

Manifesto marked the official launch of Draw (founded by myself and Shelley Morrow) and was accompanied by the publication of the Draw Manifesto & the Draw Charter. The full day of drawing at the Old Market theatre included both the theatrical life drawing of the event-proper, a family drawing session and symposium of drawing tutors and models from across Brighton. The Old Market was split into four sets on each side of the room - themed around Circus, Puppet Theatres, and Fairy Tales with the Drawchestra on the stage and artists arrayed in concentric, outward-facing circles. Each set referenced past events while hinting at the future potential of the 'Circus, all captured on film by the wonderful Roy Matthews.

Next month, rather than sharing a Drawing Circus photo set for all supporters we'll be sharing a selected set from a freshly commissioned set of reference photos, art directed by Laura Ryan


You can use the DrawPatreon Navigator to find any of our past photosets.


Guidelines for using the photographs

Please do:

  • Download these pictures to your own computers and devices, downloading the Zip files for all images, or saving individual photos.
  • Use the pictures to draw, paint, print and sculpt from, being as realistic or creative as you like
  • Share the artwork you’ve made with us and the world - in books, in exhibitions, on social media, or on your fridge
  • Tag us in work you make (@drawbrighton / #drawbrighton) – you don’t have to, but we love to see what you’ve made!
  • Edit the photo files as reference for your own drawings - you can change the contrasts, colours and backgrounds to provide more tailored reference for yourself.

Please don't:

  • Share these pictures with anybody else – they are between you and us
  • Share the photos themselves online – thanks for respecting our models’ privacy
  • Edit the photo files themselves for artwork – we want to see original work you’ve made




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