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Jade is a full-time life model, artist and all round creative power house - as well as modelling all over Sussex she runs her own life classes from home, the 'Drawversity' clothed pose at Draw and last years popular Black History Month life classes. These photos have been taken with sculpture in mind as well as two dimensional practices, with a 360 degree rotation of Jade's head - do let us know if you have suggestions for future sets! On request we have switched to including all of the photos below to make it easier for iPad users to access them, as well as the full folder of photos (containing exactly the same as the individual ones) - we're open to feedback on how we deliver the images to you!

  • Coming over at the end of next week we have another new Portrait set and a new Drawing Circus set.

Stay well and keep drawing,


Guidelines for using the photographs

Please do:

  • Download these pictures to your own computers and devices, downloading the Zip files for all images, or saving individual photos. 
  • Use the pictures to draw, paint, print and sculpt from, being as realistic or creative as you like
  • Share the artwork you’ve made with us and the world - in books, in exhibitions, on social media, or on your fridge
  • Tag us in work you make (@drawbrighton / #drawbrighton) – you don’t have to, but we love to see what you’ve made!
  • Edit the photo files as reference for your own drawings - you can change the contrasts, colours and backgrounds to provide more tailored reference for yourself.

Please don't:

  • Share these pictures with anybody else – they are between you and us
  • Share the photos themselves online – thanks for respecting our models’ privacy
  • Edit the photo files themselves for artwork – we want to see original work you’ve made 

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