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The full uncensored PDF for 'The Lesson', which is the prequal to 'The Appointment' has now been posted.




Hello ! It's so nice to have Steri-Nurse - The Lesson around ! Sorry to bother, but is it possible to also have this comic in separated pictures, like the others please ? The PDF file is ok, but is rather way too heavy to load on some devices. It's easier to handle single pics. Also any plans or news on some brand new and original Pink Goo stuff around ? Awating for your next comics ! Thanks, and have a nice day !


Hiya Laura, Its always tricky trying to find the right format for everyone. I will publish The Lesson as single scenes going forward, soon. The pink Goo may return at some point, although the original artist withdrew consent to adapt the idea, so there may be some changes.


Yes I totally understand what you mean. BTW having both formats, single images + PDF is nice. I rather prefer single images because it's lighter and easier to load them on small devices like odler phones, tablets. Even on PC, it takes quite long time to load the full PDF. I really enjoy your creations, and being able to read them over and over again without having to wait ages before all the content is loaded... Concerning the pink Goo, it's a wide spread creation over the deviantart community. (Men or Women getting absorbed by pink goo and becoming gorgerous latex girls) If you can't rely anymore on the original story, maybe you can imagine your own stories with longer transformations of course ! Still thanks very much for you amazing job ! You're a talented creator for sure ! Steri-Nurse and Goo leak are my favourite creations, I really enjoy this content ! Hope to have more soon ! Have a nice day !