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Hey guys! How are you?
Just a little update!
I have already 2 of 4 WAIFUS ready for you for the August rewards!
In these days I have to work at home (replace some old furniture...stuff that you have to do when you grow up... T___T) so I am a little busy and not much active on socials!
But don't worry, as soon as possible I will show you the new stuff and I can't wait to hear your thoughts about it!
About HDH chapter 3
I really hope you are enjoying the story so far!
I really hope that more and more people will join this patreon so will be easier for me to keep making it with a good rythm!
The "name" (this is how it is called the base structure of a chapter, with dialogues and some quick sketch just to know what to draw in the real chapter) IS READY!

I will work a little bit more on some detail of the chapter and then I will start drawing it!
So, stay tuned for the next chapter pages! ;D

I am sorry if I am not able to give you everything as quickly as possible but as some of you probably know, I work for a French publisher too in order to "survive" and do all the normal things any human needs to do to keep living...XDXD

Maybe things will change one day and I will be able to do all I have in mind FULL TIME!
We'll see, we'll see! ;D!

Meantime guys, as always, STAY AWESOME! ;D


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