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Sapnin lids!

Harry "Skemtin Tarantino" Robbo here and I've got a juicy little patreon-only bonus for you lot.

Myself, Finn and Carl have started Have A Word Film Club - an extra little film podcast where we watch two films beforehand and talk about them on pod, complete with our final three-word review and rating of each film.

This week we watched Moneyball and Road House (the newer and more homoerotic one), and you can listen to our expert analysis above.

We want as many lids involved as possible, so leave your film suggestions below, follow us on Twitter and Letterboxd, and watch Four Lions and Civil War ahead of the next episode. Or don't, I'm not your dad.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HaWFilmClub

Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/hawfilmclub/

Nice swan x




Elliott Smith

Boss that lads! Best value patreon in the game

Joshua Barker

Watch the original Road House boys! It’s a great movie from what I can remember.