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Hello everyone! i hope you're all enjoying the weekend so far :3 so the other day i had some motivation to try something new! i've loved streaming for quite some time but it seems to have lost the spark for me, at least for now. but i wanted to flex my creativity in some form. so here is a sneak peak at a possible magazine that i might work on! please don't mention this outside of Patreon as i am not fully sure if i will actually go through with this, as these are just concept pieces so far. 

Front Page Concept:

First Page/Introduction:

Some of the things that i was thinking of including into this magazine are around 10 articles at 500-1000 words per article, & 1 Featured Article at 1000-2000 words. an avatar showcase, a world showcase, possible community spotlights and interviews with people. 





You should send this into VRChat or the community


hehe i am glad you like it so much! but i only have 1 page done so far and i still need to write up all the articles and take pictures and design each page on photoshop. so it took me a few hours just to make what i have now between the design, writing & editing/grammar corrections. hehe so i want a complete magazine edition at the very least before i share it off of patreon. if it's something i really like doing i might make a tier for it specifically :3