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Hey everyone! For Halloween, send in your spookiest Star Wars questions for us to answer in the Q&A! I hope you're all having a great weekend!



Do you guys think that Luke's hand is wandering the universe haunting people like in Idle Hands or Thing from Addams Family? And speaking of that, HOW THE HECK DID MAZ GET LUKE'S LIGHTSABER?!? I mean it's been 8 years since TFA was released and we still don't have an answer to that question? How do you think we'll (if ever) get the answer to that question? Comic? Animation? Novel? Skeleton Crew?


Does it HORRIFY you that the Star Wars galaxy and our own galaxy may be in the same universe because of the ET situation? There is a planet of ET type aliens and they did visit Earth and ET seemed to recognize Yoda when that kid was wearing a Yoda costume. I myself would rather Earth not exist in Star Wars


Haha I figure the hand got incinerated on cloud city or something. As for the lightsaber, I assume it went ugnaught to the black market to Maz. Honestly I think claiming it was a good story was a problem because now it HAS to be lol


Haha I agree that I don’t want earth in the same universe. But I don’t think they are, it’s just two directors who are friends having fun.