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Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a great weekend. Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!


Ello Asty

What is an example of a type of exercise an ISB agent would have to do in order to build their resistance to Jedi Mind Tricks?


How was the creation of the clone army explained to the Senate in such quick time?


I think resisting mind tricks is all about knowing when someone is trying to influence you, whether it's through the Force or not. Most Imperials are used to just eating up propaganda and whatever they're told. It's kind of like Qanon. Someone in Qanon THINKS they think for themselves but really they just accept the word of some random user on a message board as truth. They would be easily mind tricked. I think an ISB agent would have risen enough and would know enough that they wouldn't be susceptible to influence like that. Unless they were ganged up on like what happened to Cad Bane.


I don't think it really was. Most of the senators just seemed to be relieved they had an army. Palpatine spent ten years building up the Separatist crisis. Senators' fears outweighed their curiosity. Except in cases like Bail Organa and Mon Mothma.