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Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great May 4! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!



Less of a question and more of a comment: I heard you saying that Mollie is going to play Jedi Survivor on stream using Story Mode. As someone who played on Story Mode for the last game and this game, I'm not sure that's actually the best idea. It felt to me like Story Mode in Survivor felt *WAY* easier than in Fallen Order. In FO, I still had to figure out the pattern of fighting a boss. In Survivor, I just ran and slashed at everything. I never died to *ANY* enemy (just falling off things). I tore through Ravis and Dagan. Bode was slightly difficult, but by that point I had also collected so many stims that I was never going to die. Maybe let Mollie do the fight with the inquisitor at the beginning and if its too easy bump it up to Jedi Padawan? Just my suggestion. Either way, I hope Mollie has a ton of fun.


Oh I'm sure she will adjust so she's having fun. She never plays games like this so I think she'll be happy to run around slashing and dashing haha

Joshua M

First we had a Yoda, and then we got a Yaddle. Now that we have a Grogu, what do you think the chances are that we'll one day get a Graggle?