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Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying living in a world with The Mandalorian again! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!



You mention in your Mando episode review video that there’s a potential conflict between Bo Katan wielding the Darksaber when in need and her insistence on winning it in combat. I’m not sure, though…It seems like she has an extremely condescending attitude toward the Mandalorian population (evidenced by her comments about the people coming to watch her baptism as a child or whatever). I think she just was just insistent about winning it in combat because that’s the only way she believes people would follow her. She doesn’t believe the superstition, but she thinks the masses do. Thoughts?


Yeah I think we're basically saying the same thing. I don't think she actually believes in that rule, but she knows it has meaning for others. It's just that she refused to take it at all in season two, but when push comes to shove, she will pick it up and kick ass with it and she won't give a second thought to the "rules."


Do you think the data that Dr Pershing was destroying for the New Republic could be some of the Imperial data that the Emperor collected on everyone in the Empire that we saw in the Alpha Squad books?