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Here is my reaction to the latest issue of the Star Wars comic!


September 7, 2022 Comic Reaction



I enjoyed this one quite a bit as well. The pacing was a bit off for what we usually get from a Soule SW comic, it seemed a tad stretched to fill space until we get to the last page reveal, but Soule filled the story with enough strong character work that it didn't feel too padded. I am LOVING Andres Genolet's art here, although that should not be a surprise to me as I loved their work on the last run of Runaways. Honestly I'm digging it even more here, with Runaways they were definitely making an effort to be as cohesive as possible with the previous artist Kris Anka's work on the book, whereas here it feels like Genolet is stretching their artistic muscles a little and really developing their own style for a SW comic. Also, I can't recommend that Rainbow Rowell/Anka/Genolet run of Runaways enough to everyone, it's just great comics, and if Alex or Mollie are reading thing, I know that you two don't venture out of SW comics much but I think you'd both love this, especially Mollie. But back to this issue- Good character work, fantastic art, and I do really enjoy that after the big epicness (I'm making that a word) :P of the event that was Crimson Reign, Soule is giving us a little bit of a slower more personal story here, also- the more Hera we can get, the better. Good stuff.