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The stream starts in one hour! Join the Streamyard here: https://streamyard.com/7bb6rbhnzj

Depending on how many people we have at the start I will probably start pulling you in right at the top. Looking forward to chatting!



Any thoughts on the new Black Krrsantan comic that releases this Wednesday? I hadn't seen it even listed on the Wookiepedia. THe description notes that Krrsantan will be hunting Obi-Wan between Ep. 3 and 4 meaning this goes along with the Obi Wan Kenobi tv show. Yet we haven't seen Krrsantan in the first few episodes of the tv show on Disney Plus....Maybe we will be getting more backstory to fill in what might happen in season 2 of the show.


It's just a collection of a bunch of comics that Black Krrsantan has appeared in previously


Bummer that I couldn’t pull away from work long enough to join. Really loved the book and looking forward to watching your discussion.