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Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great weekend! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below.



How do you feel about Ram from Race to crashpoint tower force ability/potential? When i was reading i thought it seemed quite a scary power, he just needs to concentrate and can take down any ship. If he gets any stronger thats a pretty mental power i think


Would you view Infested more positively if it had come earlier in the season? It just feels like a momentum killer based on where they put it in the season. It does bring in the Pikes but, at least for now, it feels like that could have been done without disrupting the overall story. For example, over the course of the season, there could have slowly been more elements of the Underworld in the background of Cid's place.


Right?? I love his power and why it works. He knows machinery inside and out so in his mind he can seek out the part he needs to mess with and pull it out of place. So sick. I could definitely see him doing some crazy stuff in the future. I love that any Jedi could do that. Just move a screw out of place or something. But Ram can do it because he can visualize it better than anyone.


Yeah I think I would have. It felt like we were about to have Crosshair kick the door in and then we just slowed everything down. It happens. Oh well, I think next week will be great with the title War Mantle.