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Whoops! Forgot to post this yesterday. Leave your questions for this week's Q&A video in the comments! I'm going through last week's hundreds of questions between now and Friday :)



All this back and forth about the digital Luke and Tarkin and Leia is exhausting. This stuff is all make believe and requires a suspension of disbelief and a use of imagination. I grew up in the 80s/90s so maybe I have a different way of viewing visual media. Most of the stuff I grew up with as a kid looks like garbage now when I see it as an adult. But I still love the story-telling and I can use my imagination to look past the visual deficiencies. I feel like now a days people want things to look so real that it hampers that total immersion that they seem so desperate for.


Imagine instead of Luke on that lone X-wing, it was Trapper Wolf!


I agree. I have some issues with the way it all happened, but it is what it is. They found the best way to tell their story, and that should take priority.