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Hey everyone! We hope you're having a great weekend. Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!



I will post this again tomorrow when you have the new thread up but I wanted to post it now, just in case I am right (so, you can ignore this one). Do you think that Grogu might somehow connect with a Force Ghost on Tython? Here is my reasoning: 1. Luke is too obvious, especially for the fans who have never watched the animated content. Since they are expecting another Jedi, they will all assume it is Luke. 2. Ezra would be a good fit but I think they are saving him for the sequel series. If they give away his location now, it takes some of the mystery away from it. 3. It is possible there might be a random, minor Jedi survivor of the Purge but that would do not really do anything for the casual fans. Even many fans of the animated shows might be confused if it was a character found only in the background or in the books and/or comics. With that in mind, I am going to guess that we will see Force Ghost Yoda. On the one hand, that could easily be a terrible scene but I think Filoni could make it work. I might be completely wrong but I think we are pushing ourselves into a false choice by only considering living Jedi. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would be also be good possibilities. Of the two, I think Qui-Gon is a better fit from a story standpoint since he might be more accepting of Grogu's attachment to Din. Obi-Wan might be the easier casting choice though if they already have Ewan McGregor under contract.


Like could Yoda not Yaddle be reference because Grogu is male not female like of there.


I think it's more likely Ahsoka just never met Yaddle. Obi-Wan had never met Dooku until AOTC, but Dooku was part of the Order while he was growing up.