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Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a great weekend, maybe enjoying Squadrons! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below.



What’s something you would charge in the sequel trilogy that does not change the story very much? Like instead of canto bites I show luke telling the story of his academy and shows flash back of snoke snd the knights are the ones that destroy the academy and we see Ben leave with snoke Luke learns Ben told snoke west the academy was ? Think that been much better then canto bites but keeps overall arc ok . What’s one for u ?


My nieces finally want to watch star wars. The are 6, 7, and 9. What order do you suggest???


Change the villain from the First Order to literally anything else. I guess that's a major story change, but I never liked redoing the Empire and I think it sparked a lot of issues I wound up having with the ST.