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Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great weekend. Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!



When Lucasfilm eventually decides to explore the post TROS timeperiod what would you prefer? Picking up right after the movie following the establishment of a new government and jedi order or a time jump of let‘s say 100 years with the newest republic and the Jedi Order Rey Edition already established?


I have a question for Indiana Jones Explained... I saw the series when it was originally on tv, and bought the dvd sets years ago, when they came out (maybe close to the release of The Crystal Skull). Now, during quarantine, I decided to binge my Young Indy DVDs - I had utterly forgotten that they had re-edited these back for VHS home video release in the late 90's, which carried over to the DVD releases (and I assume the digital versions follow suit). So, The show used to have these "bookend" sequences with a 93 year old Indy, who would start telling the story to another person/people", all of which were edited out of the DVD/home video releases (except one, with a 50-ish year old Harrison Ford, instead). Through those sequences, we find out that he has a daughter, grand amd great grandchildren (it's okay Mutt, he just never mentioned you in the show)... Finally, my question: Are those sequences with "old Indy" still considered canon? (assuming Indy doesn't meet with an unexpected end in Indy 5, if that ever happens). Sub question: Do most Indy fans even KNOW about "old Indy"? It wouldn't surprise me if especially younger fans, have never even seen those segments... Like a patient archeologist, I don't mind waiting, if you insist on making an episode about this ;-) Thanks for everything you uncover, Alex and Mollie!


I'd much rather we jump way into the future. I don't want to go through yet ANOTHER rebuilding of the Jedi Order.