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Hey everyone! How about that Siege of Mandalore?? Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!



Jedi apologist time: did Ashoka just expect Anakin and Obi-Wan to not rescue Palpatine? Making sure an government leader is rescued is not just "playing politics"? Governments need leadership. I mean, do you ever get the feeling of "Ok, Filoni, the Jedi are evil because they didn't know how to comfort a grieving person. WE GET IT. We were wrong to root for the Jedi or enjoy the prequels until you came along."

Michael Enslein

Just the idea that the Jabba would have some how forgotten about the skywalker name and obi wan. I guess it is like leaving him on the same planet that his dad grew up on with his family. Now Jabba and the Hutts know about skywalker. I am guess it is more for characters than the place. Like ahsoka lightsaber color.