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Hey everyone! I hope you're all staying safe! Please leave your questions for this week's Q&A in the comments!



Do you ever wish that Star Wars continuity was more streamlined? What I mean is do you think it would be beneficial if Star Wars took an approach more similar to how Star Trek handles its Memory Beta content, where the material outside of the TV shows and movies take a back seat and the only true canon is what we see on screen? I love a lot of the new material but sometimes I feel like the writers bend over backwards just to make sure that everything is connected and that sometimes gets in the way of just telling good stories.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-28 13:12:11 I was thinking about this a lot, Shaak Ti was supposed to protect the Chancellor, obviously that didn’t work out well but I was thinking although Grievous could have very well killed her off screen, the ROTS deleted scene still couldn’t have happened because Anakin and Obi-Wan couldn’t have been in front of Grievous because Anakin meets him on the bridge. Do you think Shaak Ti died protecting the Chancellor or does Anakin kill her during the Jedi Temple attack? I always thought Anakin killing her was canon.
2020-04-19 20:01:09


How did the separatists get there generals (like Trench and Sobeck)? Were they drafted? Did they apply for the job? Was it volunteer or paid?