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Hey everyone! I hope you're all staying safe and healthy out there. Leave your questions for this week's Q&A in the comments below!



Just finished the TROS novel and while definitely not one of the better novels we have gotten it did make the story feel a little deeper since we were able to find out what some of the reasoning was behind what the characters were doing. One thing the novel did do for me though is it made me want to read an original story about Rey in an adult novel as I think she would be an interesting character for a novelist to develop. Resistance Reborn is really the only original story Rey has appeared in that Del Rey has done and she was more or less just a secondary character in that book. Not sure what Lucasfilms plans are for the post Ep. IX time period but hopefully they leave some room open to have the books develop Rey a bit.


Carlo Esposito said going see more lite sabers in Mando do u think we will see more than Asoka and moth Gideon maybe Ezra?


I agree. I think we will get some Rey stories eventually, but I think Lucasfilm might spend most of their time expanding new areas for now.