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Hey everyone! I hope you're having a great weekend, and a safe one if you're celebrating Halloween! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!



Do you think that the stuff people get so PO'ed about in TLJ (the green milk, the bombers) is just because as adults, certain fans have become jaded and inflexible? Like if those things happened in the 80s when they were kids would they have been nearly as made about it?


What's the correct chronoligcal order for Spark of the Resistance, Allegience and Resistance Reborn and any other stories set between VIII and IX? It's really nice having stories set between the new films, which is something I missed in the lead up to TLJ.


I one hundred percent think that. Star Wars is and always has been incredibly silly. I don't know that any Star Wars movie will ever capture my imagination the way A New Hope did. The Last Jedi didn't sit great with me on my first viewing, and I doubt it'll ever be in my top three. But I think it taught me a valuable lesson about flexibility. Adaptability. Star Wars is always going to seem like it's changing to us. I think Disney will always be trying to capture the imaginations of the next generation and hook them the way we were hooked as kids. So as we grow up, our options are to either decide we've outgrown that silly universe and move on, or accept what's new. Accept the change. I don't mean blindly love everything, just take it for what it is. If you don't love it, you don't have to watch it again or reread it. Becoming an inflexible fan doesn't leave any room for Star Wars to change with the times, and I guess that's what some people want. They want it to cater to them always and forever, and that's selfish. I'd much rather Lucasfilm expand the Star Wars audience. Let's share it with as many people as we can. Good question.