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Hey everyone! I hope you're having a great weekend. Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!



Do you think it likely that we'll meet Vanto. Ar'alani, and company when we get the resolution to the Thrawn/Ezra cliffanger?

Kara DJ

Was all of that stuff with George actually wanting Jar Jar to be the villain true? I feel like I never saw evidence of this and it almost feels mythical at this point lol


If I had to guess, Zahn might shift to writing stories about those two and the Chiss Ascendancy in Thrawn's absence. Maybe they'll go on the search for Thrawn the same way Ahsoka and Sabine are searching for Ezra.


No I don't think so lol it's just a fun fan theory that I think is actually more well thought out than most, but I don't think that was George's intent. At most he probably just wanted Jar Jar to have the same presence in AOTC and ROTS as he did in TPM.