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Hey everyone! I hope those of you that went to Celebration have fully recovered! I don't think I'm quite there yet, as everyone keeps commenting about how tired I look in videos lol. But leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!



Since we know that Vader went back to Tatooine in the canon comics to see Jabba and kill Tuskins (and in one of the books kill Watto) why did he not sense Obi-Wan and hunt him down? Did Obi-Wan sense Vader and run to protect Luke?


Hey Alex new fan theory. Vulaada Klam is Rey's mom. Lol just kidding. Anyways have you read issue #31 of the Aphra series yet? One of the best issues of the series so far in my opinion. Was a little worried that Aphra may lose some of her appeal after Gillen left the series but this new writer seems to be writing her equally as well. Though I am just joking about Vulaada Klam it did surprise me when they first introduced her how much they made her upbringing like Rey's was when we first saw her on Jakku.


Obi-Wan was probably not using the Force in big, overt ways. He probably had some way of hiding.


Yeah I'm still really into Aphra. I'm glad she's getting back to treasure hunting in issue 32!