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Hey everyone! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below! I hope you all had an amazing Star Wars Day this past weekend!



In the new Solo movie, how can they call it the Kessel Run if Han is flying a ship instead of actually physically running? C'mon guys, a little realism wouldn't hurt....


Q&A do you think that Disney will bring back more characters from Legends like starkiller for example and if they do do you think that they will come back the same way they we're in the games or do you think they will make him z normal person because it would be awesome to see him on the small/big screen and for him to retain his power level from the games and how soon after epiaode 6 was Jacen Syndula born


I think more will continue to come back. Starkiller, I'm not sure, but he was considered as a potential Inquisitor for Star Wars Rebels.