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Hey guys! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A below!

I also wanted to apologize to all of you. No one has been complaining or been mad at me or anything, but still, I feel like I've dropped the ball here on Patreon the past couple weeks. I've been late in providing the written responses, and I've missed some messages, mostly I've just had some trouble keeping up and communicating well. We've been traveling a LOT since the end of August, and it's just been exhausting. But that's just a reason, not an excuse. We got home today from what should be our last trip of the year. I can't tell you what it was for, but you'll get to know soon, and I can't wait to see you all react to it. Anyway, I'm saying this because I should be much more on top of things as we approach The Last Jedi and the end of the year. You guys are my biggest supporters, and you deserve better response time than I've given the past few weeks.

I'm thrilled to have you all as supporters, and I'm so glad we're going to have a whole new trilogy to explore together in the coming years! Thank you all for your continued support, and may the Force be with you!



Do we have any canon visuals for the Starhawk class ships? They're described as made of recycled imperial ships and shaped like a hatchet in the aftermath books yet when in BF2 we call down fire support from a Starhawk on Jakku everything in the sky during that scene nothing matches the description and every major New Republic ship appear to be a Mon Cala design. Do you think that the first visual appearance is being held back for The Last Jedi or similar?


Nope, not yet. I don't know if Starhawks were still in use at the time of TLJ. Lucasfilm just hasn't shown them yet, I guess.


Hope this question gets in in time, but I have recently read the Clone Wars: Dark Disciple and the Thrawn book by Timothy Zahn, and my parents want my christmas list now and I want another book from the Canon. At the top of my list is Phasma, but I was wondering if there were any other really good canon books I should consider