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(Head's up: Things get steamy between a giant couple during these forthcoming chapters, so fair warning if that's not your thing)


Meanwhile, an adventurous young native of the mountainside city named Adonis was in the middle of an exhaustive yet invigorating hike, with only the homestretch left to go before his journey ended. Unfortunately, his rocky voyage was obliviously timed with the arrival of these two naked sensually-primed titans, as they claimed the mountain for the consummation of their deific libidos. Cornered, Adonis took shelter beneath a shallow outcropping, as he found himself positioned squarely in the spread canyon shadow of Diana’s thighs, with most of his view to the clouds above now replaced by the giantess’s generously enormous buttocks and the drooling arousal-swollen maw of her pussy. He watched, helpless and unnerved, as Hercule let loose with thunderclap spankings to his partner’s tush, hard enough to be heard a dozen miles away and leave a temporary-yet-imposing handprint blushed on her right-side cheek flesh. Adonis’s blood-chilling horror only increased when he saw the giant’s beastly river-wide cock launching toward Diana’s readied nethers and slotting within. The view of both giant beings’ synchronized anatomy pressing and bulging and interlocking was as thirstily mesmerizing for the tiny mountain-climber below as it was strangely obscene and palpably life-threatening. Adonis’s eyes swung side-to-side as the rhythm of the mountainous couple’s thrusting caused Hercule’s dangled sack to move like an overclocked pendulum.

All the way down the stony slope, he could trace the dizzying length of Diana’s athletic legs, seeing the musculature beneath her smooth complexion clenching and relaxing, much in the way all ten of her toes repeatedly curled and splayed at the foot of the mountain. Every part of the giantess seemed like it wanted to cry out with the same blissful energy as her actual lips, but the more intensely her joy blossomed, the more it felt to Adonis like he was caught at the ever-narrowing eye of a savage storm. He dug his back against the rock wall and clung on for dear life, mentally pleading with the Olympians for mercy, just as he saw Hercule’s scrotum tighten and his fattened vein-risen whale of a member pulse one climactic time as it pumped a pond’s worth of cum into Diana’s throbbing womanhood. The giantess bellowed out a ravished wail of total bodily ecstasy for her simultaneous completion, clutching the mountain tighter while her fellow titan gyrated his way through the duration of their dual finish. From the earthquaking combination of both immense beings’ O-faced groans and thrusts down against the bluff, stray boulders the size of houses toppled their way down the uneven slant. However, Adonis’s refuge proved shield enough to keep him from falling under that post-orgasm avalanche, and though he was shaken, the worst seemed to pass without any harm coming to him. He gasped aloud with relief, thankful for his luck, and downright shocked that he’d made it through alive.

Though Adonis’s quiet celebration was a tad premature. Both Diana and Hercule fell quiet then, savoring their shared afterglow, and their puny unseen voyeur had just begun to emerge from that protective outcropping. But then the giant, squeezing his godly mate’s ass cheeks again with both hands, began to withdraw his deeply-probed cock back out of that gloriously arousal-drenched vulva. Adonis immediately tucked himself back against the wall, but unlike during the rockslide, that meager defense made no difference. The chaotic multi-fluid splurge began right when the giant began retracting his member, yard by yard, but reached its splashiest flood-spraying extreme right when his tip reemerged. At once, the collected sexual essences of both naked giants came pouring back out of Diana’s rosy crotch in a terrifying airborne tidal wave that soon coated the whole section of the mountain between her legs, forming an instantaneous cataract of both male and female ejaculate that descended the rock with the fury of river rapids. Try as he might to run away, and then hang on when it was clear he couldn’t outpace that bittersweet sex-scented deluge, Adonis was ripped from his shelter by the cum-gooey current, tossed and turned as he was powerlessly dragged at top speed down the whole rest of the way he’d just scaled. Though he did his best to keep his head above the surging white surface, he was soon pulled under, rebounded off the features of the mountain and ultimately drowned in a traveling sea of interwoven giant-couple jizz before he ever reached the bottom.

Diana awoke from this rather-vivid dream with morning sunlight spilled across her face, a moan caught in her throat, and her hand unconsciously stowed down her panties. She rolled onto her side with a soft murmur, fondly recalling her slumbering visions almost as distinctly as though she’d watched them as a movie, and suddenly found herself staring directly at another micrin named Andre, whose body was only made noticeable from so close-up by the contrast he made against her pearl-white bedsheets. Even when Diana took notice of him, the tiny man only flinched but didn’t attempt to flee or hide himself, so deep was his now-familiar hypnotic obsession over the dazzling homeowner’s body. In particular, Andre’s focus was held captive by her bare breasts, as he’d been watching them soothingly rise and fall in her sleep.

“I think I owe a big thank-you, to all of you little things. Whatever you really are, wherever it is you came from. If I could say that to every last one of you, I would. But, it’s just youhere right now, so I’m going to thank you, on behalf of all your kind, for choosing to come into my house,” Diana whispered with genuine appreciation, even while that lascivious fire in her eyes hadn’t gone out. If anything, it had gained strength in the night. “Especially because I just came up with an idea. Maybe the best idea I’ve ever had in my whole life. See, I would’ve been happy enough just finding all of you on my own, collecting you, and showing you what I… what my body… can do to you. But we can do more. So much more. You’re not just going to be prey. Sacrifices. Playthings. Well, you’ll be those things too, but most important, all of you are going to be my new sex toys. I’m going to find a man, a real man, and together with you little things, we’re going to have a kind of fun that belongs in the history books. Thank you, again, for making this possible. And, just to show how much I appreciate it, I know exactly what to do for you. Even as small as you are, I can tell how much you love my tits. And who could blame you? I love them, too.”

Andre absorbed Diana’s titillatingly risqué tone and every word that warmly left her lips, all while still drinking in the bulbous magnitude of her uncovered rack. He even comprehended her dark yet seductive warning in the back of his mind. But it wasn’t until the freckled giantess actually reached for Andre – and gingerly claimed his diminutive body between the ring-sworled pads of her peachy forefinger and thumb with surgical precision – that her kindly threat became real. Impressively, despite the smothering grasp of her digits, Diana purposefully didn’t squash the micrin, while using her free hand to clutch and hoist her currently topside-roosted breast away from its twin. Even once freed from the stranglehold of those plush fingertips, Andre’s panic only inflated, as he found himself deposited upon the yielding terrain of the giantess’s supple inner cleavage. His anxieties were briefly muted when he looked down, nearer than ever to the monumental boobs he’d merely been eyeballing from a not-quite-safe distance before, feeling their warmth and cushiony texture, and inhaling the intoxicating perfume of her pheromones. But then the micrin looked up, only to see Diana suspending her opposite tit only by the portly nub of her stimulated nipple pinched between massive fingertips.

The giantess allowed Andre only a precious few final seconds to both soak up his surroundings and process what was about to happen. He did just that, hardening below the belt and letting out a pipsqueak shriek that was almost-immediately cut back to silence when Diana let go of her teat, allowing that artificially hovered breast to plop back down into an embrace with its match. Inside that heartbeat of time, Andre’s body was flattened and pulped at the center of his humongous hostess’s copious bosom, but his would-be cry was carried on in temperate spirit by the giantess herself, who crooned with satisfaction while digging back into her panties. Already her mind was awash with the possibilities of who could help her carry out this plan she’d divulged to Andre just before giving him his quick-and-painless thank-you present. And even before she’d risen from the bed, Diana was quite certain she knew exactly who she wanted.


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