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(Heads up: Things get steamy between a giant couple during these next several chapters, so fair warning if that's not your thing)


Meanwhile, Diana approached the edge of the lake and stepped into the water, dipping toes-first. All the while, she held Hercule’s gaze rapt, and he stared straight back with mutual superhuman lust. This meant that neither giant nor giantess was at all aware or concerned for the continuing hurricane-style havoc happening in the water, as more boat were rammed apart by that warship of a hard-on, and now Diana’s immense feet lurched through the water as well, capsizing and crushing any fishing vessels that had thus far avoided a fatal collision with the bathing man-god’s nethers. Both Diana and Hercule’s pupils darkly swelled, their breathing shortened, and their lips parted with unspoken need. The robe-cloaked giantess raised her leg slowly out of the water and brought the gleaming lake-sloshed underside of her succulently creased foot cruising straight toward the giant stranger’s arousal and, by extension, right above the shipwrecked men now sprinkled helter-skelter across that veiny sea-monster manhood. Despite the lethal danger incoming, the bleary fishermen stared up in appropriate wonderment as Diana’s elegant arch deepened and those perfectly-rounded toepads spread, all still dripping from the lake, briefly eclipsed the sky for them.

Finally, taking a seat on the shore, the giantess brought her opposite ped surging toward Hercule’s receptively-presented nakedness as well. Seeing the ample pith-rich plains of those twin undersoles hurtling treacherously toward them, the beauty the stranded fishermen recognized in her feet was rightfully overtaken by frantic alarm. Many did their best to unpeel themselves from the giant’s damp flesh and leap back into the lake, but they were too late yet again. Both Diana’s feet confidently wrapped themselves around that deific cock and immediately began to grind up and down its full mast. She not only applied ruthless gyrating force to stimulate the titanic stranger, but reflexively scrunched her toes all the while to enthusiastically animate the moist dimple-puffy terrain of her bare arches, making every firm lake-splashing rubdown an epic earth-trembling effort. Immediately, her burly subject threw his head back and let out a roaring moan of satisfaction, while splaying his chiseled limbs in the lake and offering himself up completely to her gift of pleasure.

Many men were immediately squashed dead upon that first skin-to-skin impact of Diana’s sandwiching peds with Hercule’s member, and a great deal more were progressively crunched and smeared to paste as this larger-than-life footjob ramped up its intensity. Only a few of the fishermen scattered along the main length of the giant’s cock managed to survive more than a few dozen pumps from her soles, feeling rather like they were trying to balance on a teetering beam in the middle of a typhoon. Nicholas was among them, deliriously calling out for his brother as he was thrown every which way, narrowly evading demise after demise by the thinnest luck-based margins, but that fortune couldn’t last forever. Hopeless, bounced off the snake-like protrusion of that same dick vein where he’d landed before, he found himself wedged between Diana’s meaty water-sodden sole and the giant’s ramrod density. Try as he might to crawl out, the pressure was already caving down, and the next lascivious glide of the giantess’s feet along that member extinguished Nicholas for good. At the same time, Giorgios had been doing the same thing, yelling out his sibling’s name and doing his best to help the others now marooned upon Hercule’s inflated cockhead. While there weren’t a pair of soles actively working that summit, this group of survivors faced a very different threat, as they were repeatedly menaced by Diana’s toes curling down at the height of each arch-humping pass. While Giorgios barely dodged the plump-padded hammering of those feminine digits, a much grander jeopardy was preparing to make itself known, like a volcano smoking just before its fiery eruption.

Stranded perilously near to the peak of the giant’s upstanding spire, the surviving brother’s eyes widened and heart sank as he watched the fleshy slit part and give way to a slow-moving brook of pent-up molasses-like pre-cum voluminous enough to clog an aqueduct. Knowing what this ultra-private sight portended, as it dribbled out and over the goose-bumped hilltop of Hercule’s erection, Giorgios had only a last fleeting instant of partial stillness in which to process his upcoming end, before the giantess’s feet performed one last calamitous up-and-down roundtrip, and the silent titan could hold back his sexual adoration no longer. That first pre-cum ooze was made to look like a teasing drizzle of rain by comparison to the spurting downpour that ensued when Hercule finally surrendered his orgasm to Diana.

An inescapable geyser of high-velocity cum blasted Giorgios and the remaining few still-living fishermen off the giant’s hardened organ. For a moment they soared in freefall, witnessing the two godlike beings’ foreplay from far enough away to better appreciate the simultaneous grace and violence of it, and then reality descended – along with the screaming victims – back toward the water below. Giorgios, propelled by a leaden glob of the giant’s seed double the size of his whole body, was killed on impact with one of the boats which had just managed to outmaneuver that unnatural tide that pulled so many unluckier others into naked contact with Hercule’s member. The passengers aboard this vessel, along with every other ship caught in the splash zone of the giant’s climax, was lethally smashed and plunked down to the lakebed as if struck by catapult projectiles. Diana, only bothering to afford these lesser creatures any of her focus once the handsome giant had already fountained his semen in answer to her sure-footed stroking, rumbled with lightheartedly amused giggles upon seeing so many unseaworthy boats dashed and smattered amongst the waves by only the sticky downfall of Hercule’s erotic juices – a catastrophe for which she was directly and proudly responsible. She laughed louder, full of mirth, to see just how far across the water some of the giant’s fluids had shot, as well as the particles of shattered ships and miniscule belly-up fishermen caught in those glistening streaks.

After that, Diana was guided by pure carnal instinct, righteously drunk on her own untouchable power, allure, and stature. Letting her talented feet settle back into the water, she stood and tugged at the fastened hem of her toga, until the cloth came loose. While locking dilated eyes with Hercule the whole time, smiling demurely and passionately licking the corners of her lips, she allowed the robe to billow free and cascade by the water’s edge, now leaving her just as gorgeously nude as him. Without a word, she took his hand in hers and insistently beckoned the giant to follow her, an offer he absolutely couldn’t have refused. A short trek later for the colossal pair, though it covered multiple miles of varied landscape, Diana spotted exactly the place she was looking for: a mountain, its topography lengthy enough to accommodate her entire astronomic frame, yet not so steep either that she couldn’t comfortably settle her majestic figure into a receptive earthward A-postured repose, draped provocatively over the broad alpine heights.

Making her chosen bedding all the more enticing, Diana realized only after positioning herself against the mountainside that the opposite face was host to a sprawling city, which was now neighbored and loomed over by the giantess’s humongous doe-eyed countenance and her considerable sun-bathed cleavage. By now, Hercule had recovered from that teasing first orgasm and was already stiffened back to full attention between his legs at the mere sight of his unexpected equal’s oh-so-seductive form clutching that mountain while knowingly offering such irresistible access to her luscious hindquarters. He followed closely afterward, footsteps shaking the countryside and his gaze trained upon the giantess’s lower assets. Every soul living in that mountainside city rushed out into the streets in answer to all the seismic commotion, and then froze in bug-eyed amazement and fear upon seeing Diana’s expression. Their consternation was only intensified when the lovely sky-touching invader let out an encouraging gasp and subsequent sigh when Hercule provided her with an open-palm slap to her toned ass cheeks that echoed over the land. Diana gushed with amplifying gratitude and lustful hunger, as the giant tauntingly spanked her several more times in quick succession, getting more aggressive with each wallop, and then her rapturous excitement reached a jaw-dropping eye-rolling moan-singing pinnacle as Hercule entered her at last from behind.


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