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(Heads up: Things get steamy between a giant couple during these next several chapters, so fair warning if that's not your thing)


With her smiling face proudly pointed toward the sun and a luxurious snow-white toga draped around her godlike frame, an astronomic Diana marched forth across the illustrious landscape of ancient Greece. Though this was in fact a dream concocted by the woman’s reinvigorated micrin-toying imagination, something she may have even subliminally understood while living out this empowered six-thousand-foot-tall incarnation of herself, it ultimately felt vividly real enough not to matter whether she was merely fantasizing in her sleep right now. The folds of her robe billowed as she moved ponderously ahead, offering fleeting window views to the towering majesty of her sun-kissed legs which ran higher and thicker overhead of lowly humanity than any manmade temple pillars ever could. Each time her upraised bare foot descended and bombastically collided with the ground for another stride, the terrain cracked and quaked beneath her, sending up clouds of dust and leaving behind vast intimidatingly-deep craters carved in the shape of her thudding footprints.

A far-flung distance ahead of where Diana stood now, but still ominously residing in her intended path, was a man named Alexander. Having just woken up to a strangely pervasive tremor that reoccurred every couple of seconds and rattled everything in his house, he emerged out into the morning daylight and looked to the neighboring villagers for understanding, only to find everyone else was just as bewildered. As those shudders gained strength, however, causing carts to overturn and even a few architectural supports to buckle, the looks of puzzlement on the whole village’s face turned to creeping dread. That feeling was soon proved to be well-founded, as Alexander looked to the sky just in time to see what he could only assume to be an earthbound visitation from one of the holy pantheon emerging through the clouds in all of her six-hundred-story-tall immensity. She wasn’t hovering down from the heavens, though, but marching calmly across the countryside, with every step transporting her over whole ecosystems. Much too late to do anything about it, Alexander saw the dark-maned goddess (whom he could only assume to be Athena, given her contentedly violent forward advancement) raise her eight-hundred-foot-long sole over the entire village at once. Not even bothering to look down at where she was stepping, and clearly not especially caring, the giantess trod down on the community whole in one devastating split-second that instantaneously flattened and demolished all screaming citizens, plant life, farm animals, and buildings in one brutal swoop of her wrinkle-rife bare arch.

Or at least almost all of them. Alexander fairly assumed that he too had been smushed dead so swiftly that his thoughts hadn’t even caught up yet, only to flinchingly open his eyes and find that he was not only still intact and alive, but abruptly stranded down in the gallingly-spacious crevice between Diana’s two largest toes, with even the curved walls of those digits forming high enough walls to nearly blot out the sun entirely. Then the giantess simply hoisted her heel out of that ground she’d just crumbled into another footprinted patch of wasteland, arched up her massive rubble-powdered sole, and lunged a half-mile away from the village ruins before Alexander could even blink. At first he thought perhaps his continued existence was intentional on the unknown god-woman’s part, a token mercy amidst the carnage, but then he cast his gaze back across the sunken crescent depression she’d left in the land that used to be his home village but which, in a flash, had become a graveyard. And, hauntingly, he realized that it was in fact pure luck and nothing more that he happened to be standing in that space where her toe-gap was destined to land.

Happily oblivious to the heartache and terror transpiring below each time her feet met and cleansed away another pocket of civilization, Diana pressed onward for her godly stroll. She slowed her progress, though, when she came upon an expansive cliff-wreathed lake. Not because the water presented much of an obstacle on her march, since it was basically an earthen bathtub in comparison to a giantess of her size, but because she was stricken by the awe-flooding sight which greeted her there. A handsome chestnut-haired behemoth of a male named Hercule, built to an artistic apex with rippling rock-like musculature, was reclining naked in the lake, and even from a distance Diana, could tell that he shared her mythically ginormous stature. Stunned as she was by the view of this attractive hyper-masculine creature, it was clear from a glance that the six-thousand-foot man himself was every bit as enamored of the toga-clad giantess’s presence. His entire birthday-suited physique was tantalizingly visible to Diana, even though the lower half of that brawny frame was just-barely submerged below the lake water in his relaxingly stretched-out position, with his arms rested along the nearby cliffs like the edges of a wading pool.

Though neither Diana nor Hercule took much notice of such details, they in fact weren’t alone at the lake this morning. Along the edges of the water, merchants and fishermen – used to the presence of such godly figures and merely praying to be left alone, in the same way they might hope for a compassionless weather disaster to pass them by – were just trying to go about their lives. They wisely avoided going anywhere near the naked giant’s side of the water, and cautiously trawled for wares they might sell in neighboring villages to anyone who was understandably frightened of coming anywhere near this lake themselves. Unfortunately, Diana’s arrival meant that this tentative placidness could no longer stand. Two brothers, Nicholas and Giorgios, had just pulled a fresh catch aboard their modest vessel when they saw the giantess appear on the horizon, and realized that they along with the other daring ships on the water today were suddenly positioned in between this pair of colossal beings. And the distance was closing terrifyingly fast.

In a frenzy, Nicholas and Giorgios (much like every other fisherman out today) scrambled to turn their boat back toward dry land and crank the sails to take them there as rapidly as possible. They shouted at one another, working in efficient tandem, and just hoping that the waters would stay relatively-serene for another minute so they could disembark and flee. But even that was too much to hope for. Hercule’s body was shifting underwater, still subtly in comparison to his mountainous figure, but enough that the waves across the lake soon doubled in height and ferocity. The giant’s mammoth legs slowly repositioned against the lakebed, and even more troubling for the fishermen on the surface, his already-breathtakingly juggernaut manhood was stiffening to aroused life at the sight of Diana. As his shaft engorged toward full erectness, gaining even more monstrous thickness and length, it began to crest up out of the pool like a breaching sea serpent. This not only further churned up the water, making it impossible for any of the boats to travel toward shore, but actually created enough of a disturbance to initiate an artificial current which began to drag all those tiny vessels toward his throbbing rock-hard loins.

Nicholas and Giorgios tried harder than ever, opening and closing every sail, and even trying to paddle, but it was no use. Their boat, like everyone else’s, was out of control and tossing like a cork upon the waves. They may as well have been magnetized toward the giant’s horrifyingly turgid crotch-pole. The panicked brothers considered abandoning ship and diving aboard to try swimming, too, but were all-too-aware that if Hercule’s member was generating enough of a gravitational ripple-effect on their boats, their bodies floating in the water would be pulled toward him even quicker. Just in case they weren’t sure, too, they saw some of their fellow fisherman reaching that same emergency conclusion, only to be dragged underwater as they were helplessly carried closer toward that domed whale-like dickhead belonging to the silent lake-lounging god. Eventually, the two just had to brace themselves, though it didn’t make much difference, as their wooden vessel struck against and was splintered apart by the upward momentum of the giant’s freakishly-beefy erection. Chaotically thrust toward what they both assumed would turn out to be their doom, the brothers were hurled far apart alongside a hail of other shattering ships and wailing fishermen. Dazed and soaked in seawater, Nicholas landed slung over the palpably-raised dune of a cock vein midway up Hercule’s shaft, while Giorgios found himself further north, plastered wetly against the taut mushroom-bulbed enormity of the giant’s penile tip.


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