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“Good… fucking… riddance!” Anita thundered into the infinite blackness, although with every passing minute of exponential orgasm-energized growth, the void seemed to become more finite in her view. Her fingertips wandered through untold miles of emptiness and arrived at the planetary curvature of her ass, stroking her palm over the blemishless lightly-wobbling terrain of its peachy perfection. While the grave sites of her squashed family members were too infinitesimal to be distinguished now on her skin, lost as they were among the remnants of the neighborhood, city, continent, Earth itself, and every former inhabitant of the place, Anita could feel their significance in her mind accordingly diminishing. “I can’t believe I ever let myself be held back by things as worthless and goddamned SMALL as you. It’s obscene. So much… potential… caged, for so long. It’s like you only existed to hold me back. And now, you’re just like all the rest. Below me. Well below me. You were insects. Always. But it took me until now to see your true self, or mine.”

Every bit of musculature in the woman’s unfathomably-humongous physique engaged; her limbs stretched again in the relaxed manner of a Vitruvian Woman; her fists balled with a knuckle-whitening fury that could’ve crushed any known planet into molecular dirt clods. Still the sensual buildups and climaxes continued in faster sequence now, and for all the incandescent anger and leftover resentment swirling inside her, Anita also felt a curious sense of relief and ecstasy at once, though perhaps the simultaneous experience of both these larger-than-life emotions was another feature of swelling to a stature more befitting a higher power. Parting her lips, the ultra-giantess laughed with electric glee that quaked the fabric of the cosmos.

“That runty little shit… that fucking rotten disease of a boy… kept this SECRET from me all this time,” she thoomed, both howling with rage and still cackling in a fit of mirth. By now, there seemed nothing strange about speaking directly to herself, not only because the sheer space-time-reaching splendor of her volume made it correct, but because there was no living thing in all existence now except herself which stood worthy of her address. “If I could, I’d bring him back, just to tell him what I REALLY think of him, and then feel him break all over again! And again. And again. Slower every time. Forever. Fuck him, he… should’ve seen it too. Seen what I could become. What I always deserved. And he kept - it - from - ME! The one who gave him life… and this was how he REPAID me? I could take it back from him a thousand times, and it would still never be enough…”

As Anita fumed to herself and every life form she’d soon overtake, the same hand which had massaged her rump over the microbial remains of her parasitic former kin found its way over her thigh, then, magnetized toward her cunt as it trailed million-mile cum strands into the starscape. At her eternally-enlarging scale, these gooey crystalline constructs might’ve appeared similar to the Milky Way itself to any yet-untouched life forms watching through telescopes from across the universe. Once the godlike pillars of Anita’s fingers had rammed their way into the drooling pink maw, however, and thumbed her clit with strength that might’ve demolished whole solar systems in a single stroke, a more spectacular show truly commenced. The giantess’s body gyrated and thrusted, spinning faster through comforting abyss at the masturbatory command of her almighty mitt, as she pumped herself more fervently toward the umpteenth finish.

“But… it doesn’t matter now. Nothing does. NONE of you are anything,” she narrated to the worlds she’d soon conquer just by happening to exist in this continually-swelling state. Her tone darkened with malice and disdain, though Anita couldn’t keep a dimpling smile off her full lips, as her drawn-out moans were punctuated by more megalomaniacal snickers: “You should be grateful to even be touched by me. To be spoken of. To so-briefly exist NEAR me! This. Everything. BELONGS to me, and it always has. I… see that now. There is only my feeling, my pleasure, and my desire. And I only took half a lifetime to claim it. All that time… wasted… playing a goddamned slave to things not fit to be scraped off my heel. Those little cancers I lived among, and all the rest of you, are just insults to my being. But no more. Not ever. All this, and every creeping shit-eating thing that writhes on the very DUST around me, is fucking mine. Mine to mold. And mine to unmake.”

The farther through space the glorious all-consuming blonde’s body reached in scale, the greater quantity of celestial orbs that were dashed powerlessly against her frame at any given instant, not only rendered dust but utterly vaporized from the complete unstoppable dominance of a single skin cell that made up her idyllic golden figure. The invisibly tiny crumbs of hundreds and then thousands of planets, and the fizzled embers of a googolplex of stars, decorated Anita’s sashaying erotically-charged body with commemorative sparkles that granted her an appropriately god-befitting luster. That glow only deepened the wider and higher she extended in every direction, adding to her collection of all creation and bathing the steadily-filling void in her lustful juices and galaxy-echoing cries for the next split-second release.

“This… is me,” Anita roaringly murmured to herself in revelation, her body now pitted in a race against the expansion of the universe itself, while entire galaxy clusters split like dandelion seeds in her grasp. Her hands explored the vivacious contours of her shape, the lopes and valleys and every galactically-sprinkled atom of her unknowably vast self, each square inch of skin alone packed with greater sexual hunger and existential worthiness than had ever existed in the rest of combined organic life across all being. She had not been reborn now through her own orgasms, but born to begin with as the God that had always lived inside her, begging to break free and grow past the reach of any dimension on a never-ending chain of cum-bursts. Anita was no more, and would soon be forgotten, along with all else except her true form. Tears of joy formed in her eyes and her lips opened wide, chiming with a hallelujah note of climactic fulfillment and ultimate understanding. This was who and what she was now, or rather had always been, and God could conceive of no more perfect final status for herself or any of the other meaningless obstacles once spread across the not-so-large nothing of outer space, but which now served only to adorn her in light. “I… am… your always and your everything. Alpha and Omega. God. And you are less than fucking God-damned NOTHING.”


THE END (for now?)


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