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All this while, Diana remained just as blissfully ignorant of the carnage happening around her feet and butt to these beings who, by a generous estimate, were individually the size of sugar grains. Having no reason to believe she wasn’t alone in the house, or that creatures so small were real at all, she gladly began to unwind, still caught up by her annoyance toward the coach, but overall was assuaged just to be home again and stretched out on the sofa to watch some TV. Indecisive at first about what show she wanted to watch, Diana raised and planted both feet up on the edge of the coffee table without a second thought, setting off a dual-heeled thump when she did so, and then ultimately came across a winner onscreen.

Attack of the 50-Foot Woman was playing, and while she’d seen it before – and never been especially interested by it then – for some reason, today, upon realizing the film already midway through its runtime, with the giantess enlarged to her majestically monstrous height and rampaging through the city, Diana was oddly compelled. Though the feeling crept up on her, unnoticed at first, the longer the volleyball player watched the movie’s enlarged heroine wreaking havoc on that little town, using that superior size and strength advantage to utterly dominate everything in her path, the more Diana felt a smoldering tweak of pleasure building up within her body. The idea of being excited, or even turned on, from seeing a fictional B-movie giantess at play was something she never could’ve predicted, and so without full comprehension of why she was feeling these things, Diana simply smiled while gluing her gaze to the TV and letting the endorphins wash through her.

In contrast to the towering athlete’s comfort and advancing gratification while reclined on the couch, though, the mood of the still-surviving micrins in the room was understandably that of high-tension panic. Two of them, Sammy and her boyfriend Stephen, were unsettled enough when, perched on the coffee table, they’d been unable to do anything while watching a curiously defeatist Gabriel lie down and let himself be squished dead by Diana’s derriere. He must’ve lost his mind at the sight of her, they decided, while holding onto one another for support and trying not to hyperventilate with too much mania, as the frightfully huge giantess sat down so ominously near to them.

At first, just trying to get ahold of themselves, Sammy and Stephen had considered running forward across the table and waving their arms in hopes of getting the tremendous dark-maned beauty’s attention, before any more of their hyper-fragile folks could be lost to her accidental gestures. However, that idea was curtailed in favor of a greater freak-out, when a third micrin who’d summitted the coffee table with them earlier had made his way to the precipice of the furniture with a similar plan of getting seen, only to regrettably make himself the target of Diana’s downward-plummeting right heel when both her massive naked feet were hoisted up to tabletop-level and set there with a deafening WHUMP. In a split-second, the little guy was squelched dead, buried beneath that thick pinkish heel, while each of those verticalized peds seemed to reach halfway to the ceiling.

“N-No!” Sammy squealed, covering her mouth in shock. It was upsetting enough to watch Gabriel die from a distance, but this one was close enough that she and Stephen could actually see the brutal offing occur – short as it lasted. “NO! This… isn’t… h-happening!”

“It’s… happening. It’s real,” Stephen solemnly gasped, his voice shaking, while holding his girlfriend close for support. Though they both knew full-well that they could hug each other as tightly as they wanted, and it would still do nothing whatsoever in defending them against a force of nature like Diana, purposeful or not. He tilted his head back, taking in the intimidating view of both the giantess’s rosy crease-stippled undersoles, and felt a horrific pit form in his stomach. “We c-can’t… try to make her see us. Or we’ll e-end up just like him. And…”

“…she might just k-kill us if she sees us anyway,” Sammy tearfully concluded. This all felt like a nightmare, and she would’ve given anything to wake up from it. They’d come so far as a group, and gone through so much, thinking they were safe at last, only to be faced with by far the most treacherous entity they’d come across in any of their travels, and that entity wasn’t even aware of how easily she could wipe them out like insects. “I always knew it was a… b-big world out there, but… I n-never thought… I never could’ve even pictured, I mean. Just LOOK at her! She’s… so… BIG! H-How is it even… wait… up there on her f-feet. On the bottoms. Is… is that…”

Sammy pointed, unable to finish her sentence, but she didn’t have to, as Stephen saw what she was indicating. Though it was tough for the couple to tell without squinting from this distance, sure enough, there were several distinct crimson speckles decorating random junctures of Diana’s beefy deep-arched underfoot isles. After what they’d seen happen just when the giantess propped up her heels, they both knew in an instant that they were looking at the gruesomely-dispatched remnants of their fellow micrins. At least ten of them had been stepped on, by Sammy’s count, and there were surely others spread across the vastness of the unaware homeowner’s peds: poor wanderers, only looking for a better life, who would now only ever be mistaken as bloodied bits of dirt strewn carelessly across the dimpled details of those unsocked soles.

As if this realization wasn’t enough to leave Sammy and Stephen in a state of complete whimpering distress, then, it seemed Diana wasn’t content to leave her feet where she’d initially rested them. The giantess sighed loudly while stretching her arms across the pillows and further extending her legs toward the middle of the coffee table, with her toes balletically pointed forth, leading the charge as her mammoth feet crested down into a deeper dip. Far too quickly to attempt running away from their oblivious attackers, the puny micrin lovers were shaded by the sudden humid darkness of both the giantess’s side-by-side soles like an avalanche preparing to give way on top of them. Cowering, fully expecting to be killed the same way as their brethren, Sammy and Stephen protectively threw their arms around each other and yelped in dismay as the giantess’s foot forebodingly loomed ever-closer – and then stopped just short of actually smacking flush with the tabletop to flatten them dead.


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