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Cody looked up in horror at Kayla from his sacrificial position smack-dab in the center of her dinner plate, with his transformed human features once again creepily morphed out from an object about to enter her mouth: this time, the pale orange flesh of the cooked salmon she and the rest of the family were preparing to enjoy. Despite the appetizing smell, he felt absolutely sick to his questionably-present stomach. Though Cody again lacked any ability to move the dead-fish portion of his hybridized form, he felt the dish’s heat and the mild sting from the recently pan-seared side of his slippery shape. And so he could only pleadingly gaze up at the hungry brunette giantess in hopes that she either somehow felt pity for him or, slightly-more likely, became disgusted enough at the concept of eating flaky chunks off his salmon-merged self that she decided to free him at the last second from this latest abuse of her omnipotence.

But Kayla did no such thing, only flashing Cody the most fleeting eye contact before putting on a wide ravenous grin and instead meeting the sightlines of Ashley, Diane, and Bri around the table, as if he wasn’t even there now: only the people she considered actual people. The family had been chattering loudly while making dinner, and their booming laughter and overlapping conversation made it impossible for Cody to raise his meager voice high enough to catch their attention, even when he yelped with as much dire volume as he could muster, and only in greater panic once his personal goddess decided to unite him with her meal. All he needed was one of the others to curiously notice his mousy wails and then drift her gaze over Kayla’s plate in time to see his familiar little face nightmarishly fused into the glistening fish skin. Just one. But Cody saw no hint of any luck coming his way, as his cries – especially toward his girlfriend – were ignored beneath the rowdy background noise of the four giantesses’ chit-chat, and then Kayla picked up her fork.

She didn’t immediately plunge the tines of the pitchfork-sized cutlery through Cody’s body, or begin shredding him into pieces, but instead prodded the four silver prongs at the fish-flesh just below his cringing face, without impaling in just yet. It felt like having dull nails ever-so-slowly driven against his skin, causing his whimpers for help to turn into meaningless sobbing, especially once Kayla’s fork actually pierced inside. This was every bit as painful as having his gum-body violently remolded by her teeth, only more focused and internal in its cutting agony, and that was even before the giantess nonchalantly held a lemon wedge above her fish and garnished it with a few caustic droplets of sour juice that ensured Cody’s bloodless hybrid-body stab wounds were made to burn tenfold as badly, thanks to that bittersweet acid soaking through. Only then did Kayla bunch up a hacked-off bite of her victim onto the fork and bring him helplessly toward her ominous smile, extending her tongue and dumping that hunk of fish with his wincing face in the center directly into the steamy darkness of her mouth again.

As with his last journey past Kayla’s lips, Cody found himself in a sickening topsy-turvy torture chamber, jumbled every which way and melted apart by fast-flowing saliva. Making matters worse, since he was no longer made of rubberized mush that tended to stay in one piece, but rather tender easily-disintegrated meat, his suffering was split into multiple soggy blobs of drool-coated fish flesh, forcing the little thing to sharply sense every bite and suckle and cheek-pressurized clench she had in store while readying this first mouthful for consumption. All the while, even when it felt like his limited humanoid traits were chewed apart just as easily as the salmon bulk, Cody screamed in decreasing hopes that someone else at the table would hear him. Unfortunately, not only was the conversation outside continuing cheerfully on with no awareness of the hidden martyrdom happening at dinner now, but Kayla herself was talking with her mouth full, animatedly making jokes at her sisters’ expense and casually discussing her day. Though naturally she did this without any direct reference to the wish-victim she currently had masticated into a semi-liquid fish paste atop her slimy tongue.

Cody was mentally steeling himself for the suffocating terror of being swallowed down Kayla’s gullet, though this didn’t come to pass, as just when there were no more chewable pieces of his wet scattered fish-form in her spit-pooled maw, he flashed back out into the light, with his reconstituted micro-face assimilated into what remained of the fish. He tried to shriek for aid again while he still had the chance, but the words cut off as he groaned from the pangs of that missing piece of himself the giantess had just audibly gulped down. Her fork was upon him in heartbeats after that, and though Kayla had seemingly taken her time with serving a bite and mulching him to bits between her molars so as to make Cody intimately experience every hideous dolor-wracked novelty of being her dinner, she was hungrier now, and so felt no need to take her time. So again, she fork-sawed off a slice of fish containing her plaything’s wrenched face, popped him over her chompers, and happily nibbled him down to salmon flecks in record time, though even if she got it over with faster, it still hurt no iota less. Like last time, Cody was spared the actual ingestion process below the giantess’s uvula, but honestly wasn’t sure if he’d be better off suffering that instead, rather than repeating his duty as her main course for every single bite – which, regrettably, was exactly what happened.

Piece by piece, Kayla served Cody’s hybrid-body to herself, making sure he didn’t miss a single tooth-gnash, tongue-splat, or fork-twist of what was ultimately a process so full of carnage that it made the transformed shrinker feel like he was experiencing the most nauseating snuff film every made. Even though on the outside, this was just another wholesome and healthy family dinner. Slowly the salmon portion was whittled down after a few dozen repetitions of Cody being shaved, scooped, and gnawed to fishy ribbons, which only hurt worse as greater chunks of him were cleaved free and swallowed, but at least there was an end point to this bout of suffering. Once Kayla finished “eating” him, she might be distracted enough by the family to give him a rest. Though this didn’t turn out to be the case, as the final squishy morsel of fish-Cody was forked through with particularly plate-scraping malice and toothily grated off into her mouth only concluded with the wish-damned creature occupying a verdant broccoli floret instead. Realizing his misfortune was about to continue in a new vegetative vessel, Cody shouted out Ashley, Bri, and Diane’s names in turn, full of anguish and dread, especially since his new body was positioned nearer to the edge of the plate and thus might have a better chance of being heard.

Yet only crushing defeat awaited him, as his tearful howls were paid no reaction by any of the three happy-go-lucky giantesses who weren’t already aware of his presence and actively torturing him, and then a more literal skewering defeat was added to that feeling when Kayla silenced his pointless squawks by jabbing her fork all the way through the green stalk of his body, to the tune of his inaudible squealing. Since Cody’s broccoli-hybridized body was more fibrous than the fall-apart texture of the salmon, he could feel her squeezing the utensil tighter than before while puncturing it through him, ensuring the blunt blades of the fork could prod out from the other side of him too. As if this wasn’t enough, Cody’s weary face was dunked into a puddle of melted butter, which felt like receiving a swirly in a toilet full of boiled water – no-doubt a kind of added punishment from her for his vocal insolence – and conveniently drowned out his moans long enough for Kayla to transfer this living broccoli clump toward her teeth, without anyone else around them being the wiser. Right before chucking him into her mouth for chewing, however, she held this bite just long enough in front of her face, not speaking directly to him or even changing her expression much, yet the threatening ferocity from her glare alone was enough to cut Cody as deeply as her fork tines.
