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The woman didn’t seem to acknowledge this faux pas by Nick, save for a mischievous smirk. With Hayley’s books still hugged to her bosom, she rocked her shoulders subtly from side to side. The combination of this pendulum motion with the hardcovers clenched against the rotund flank of her breast caused both of Beth’s mammaries to bobble relentlessly. They bounced against one another and rebounded away, never quite malforming, but still sending off reverberations across the smooth flesh with each fling. Even when coming to rest again, they continued to jiggle for elongated seconds on end. Nick, witnessing every twitch without blinking, had to consciously reach up and unhang his jaw before it became noticeable, though he was probably already too late.

“You know,” she drawled, then arched to full height again. Nick’s eyes dutifully followed her back to her monumental fourteen-foot peak, feeling as though he’d wandered into a wet dreamland. “I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you, Nick, but you’re pretty cute for a little guy.”

This had taken a turn. He’d only just met the woman, yet already she was willing to tell him exactly what she thought, and it was the complete opposite of what the diminutive man might’ve guessed. As it had happened yesterday, Nick’s pulse jumped into overdrive at the mention of his size from such a perfect woman, but the effect was compounded by the fact that Beth was essentially an evolved version of everything that already made Hayley so sexy: friendly, teasing, beautiful head to toe, and utterly gigantic. Normally when people brought up his height, usually by mentioning he was competent at something “despite” his below-average size, it felt like a masked insult. From Beth, however, it almost came off more like an affectionate challenge: a compliment in the fullest sense from a living breathing goddess of a woman.

“T-Thanks,” he peeped, unsure of what else to say.

“It’s a bit of a shame, really,” she sighed. Beth planted her free hand on her supple hip, in the process cocking her posture and letting her boobs wobble again in a way that magnetized her little guest’s vision straight back to them. A low womanly chuckle emanated from her throat, and then she said something that almost made Nick fall over unconscious: “I really mean it, you know. You’re quite the handsome one. A real looker. In fact, if you were just a bit bigger, I would absolutely have my way with you, Nick. It’s not that I have any kind of problem being with someone smaller than me, now. Not at all. But, realistically… well, if we were to have some fun together, I’d probably just crush you against this massive body of mine before we’d even begun. And it would be such a waste.”

As Nick was too speechless and pale at this sudden spilling of raw truth, Beth wagged her fingers goodbye again with a regal flare. Then, turning 180 degrees, she curved her spine and let her ass stick out a solid foot above the young man’s head. Hayley had a pretty big butt already, but compared to her mother’s enormous cheeks, it was a malnourished peach. The giantess waved her caboose to and fro, even tossing in a twerk on the end, then nudged the door closed behind her before Nick could start to drool. Right up until the way was fully closed, he watched through the crack as the flirty MILF’s high-borne ass sauntered shakily away.

Back at home, locked in his bedroom deep in thought, there was no question in Nick’s mind now. He had to get bigger, whatever it took. For years he’d had his crush on Hayley, and indeed still wanted the chance to charm his way into her romantic graces after giving himself a height boost, which would also come with the opportunity to get tangled up in bed with such a massive beauty. But now Beth had come into his life too with a bang, admitting to him so openly within a minute of meeting him that she wished he was bigger so they could have sex without her squashing him. And God, how he wanted to fuck both mother and daughter. Every brainwave he had for the rest of the afternoon and evening was obsessed with the idea of becoming a man worthy of both these women who’d expressed their readiness to take him, if only he was a size more appropriate for their marvelously huge selves. As night fell, Nick didn’t go to sleep, but instead sat at his computer, continuing to research every possible avenue that could help him grow, no matter how obscure.

Yesterday he’d skipped over concepts that sounded too outlandish to ever be true, but his encounter with Beth had lit a fire in Nick. Everything was on the table now, no matter how silly. After spending hours attempting all manner of crazy rituals and “weird medical tricks” he found in back-alley websites, to no avail, a sleep-deprived Nick stumbled on a downloadable system that claimed to be able to alter his body’s programming in order to increase size with a series of intensive coding dumps that he only had to read to absorb. Had it been any other day, and had the young man been more energized, he might’ve decided finally that this suggestion was too foolish-sounding, even for his no-stone-unturned approach. But he was exhausted, rather hazy, and completely desperate to become fuckable in the eyes of the world’s most impeccable mother-daughter pair. So he downloaded it, followed the instructions, and reached a screen where he was told to outline the new dimensions he wanted for himself.

Never once pausing to question any of this, Nick was guided solely by deep yearning, and typed furiously. He wanted it all. Not just pure height matching or even exceeding Beth and Hayley’s, but all of his features blooming to Olympic proportion, making him stronger and broader, like the world’s fittest weight lifters. A real hunk, the kind that would really get his favorite mother-and-daughter team’s juices flowing, since both already had at least some passing interest in him as a shrimp with pathetically standard development. This would put him over the top. Then for good measure, Nick keyed in a bigger dick for himself; after all, if he was going to really please these ladies in bed, he needed more than just stature alone. The warning suggested this strange process would require a long while to take hold, but didn’t list how long exactly. When he’d filled in the last line and hit Enter, Nick let the millions of lines of supposedly DNA-rewriting code fly past his pupils and lodge into his brain without batting an eye, until the sun was cresting the horizon and he could literally no longer keep his lids from drooping.

Groggy, Nick awoke sprawled on the bedroom floor from what felt a long winter hibernation. As he blinked at the clock on the bedside, he realized he’d slumbered through almost the entire day, since it was nearly evening again. Rolling to the side, then, he found his usually-baggy clothes straining against his body, practically cutting off the circulation. In confusion, Nick pulled himself up to stand, rising well-past his expected vantage point of five-and-a-half feet before he’d even finished kneeling. He ascended past the bed, dresser, and posters, and finally the elevated window, stopping just short of slamming his head against the ceiling. A hopeful burst of euphoria shot through him at the notion of being tall enough to even come within jumping distance of his high bedroom ceilings, which the sub-average young man had always considered a physical impossibility, at roughly fifteen feet up. Yet here he was.

This meant only one thing, especially after the newly giant man pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t still dreaming: the mysterious program had worked. He was fourteen feet tall now, more than two and a half times his former size, and the same height as his friend’s gargantuan mother. Bewildered now, and looking down in hallucinatory disbelief at all of his toddler-sized bedroom furniture around him, Nick quickly stared back at the white-painted surface of the ceiling just inches above his face, as though it was a mirage. He raised a hand and tapped it, confirming the place was still tangible, and in the process got a glance of his raised arm.


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