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A second snap of the genie’s fingers later, and Cody materialized upon the tattered swamp-sticky bedding of a well-used insole, its spongy surface grayed and imprinted from frequent use by a colossal feminine foot, with his body now reduced down to six inches tall, as he’d wished. It was bizarre to think, just ten minutes before, that he was not only a million dollars poorer, but still normal-statured and forced only to yearn over having his deepest lifelong fetish fantasies fulfilled. And yet here he was now, rich beyond his dreams and – most importantly – apparently about to live out the kind of twisted erotic foot-indulgence that kept him up at night.

He couldn’t keep a dopey smile off his little face at his good fortunes, even while within seconds of dazily sprawling inside the warm recently-worn vessel of this enormous sneaker, its smoky brewed-in stench of sweaty repellence became a tad overwhelming to his smell centers. Much as Cody had a kink for the filthy-sexy musk of a pretty woman’s foot, he might have underestimated his taste for that grungy over-salted aroma once it was multiplied in proportion to his size. Nevertheless, the experience of being this small, and about to play the slave to a beautiful omnipotent giantess’s soles, was enough to trump that minor hiccup. At least it was, until the shrinker gazed around the cavernous room where the genie had transported him, and then got a closer look at the eerily-familiar size-9 footwear he was now lying inside like a humid perspiration-caked coffin. Instantly his aroused excitement flipped to chilling dread as he recognized he was in the shoe of none other than Kayla.

“Um… genie?” Cody gulped as he clambered out of the shoe, his panic rising fast. There was a pause, during which he worried he might be alone now, before the lovely apparition of the wish-granting spirit manifested beside him again. “What… w-why did you bring me here?”

“Well, I thought it was a strange wish myself. But they’re your wishes. I just grant them,” she interrupted.

“NO! I didn’t ASK you to make me be Kayla’s-”

“Let me just remind you what you asked for, and you’ll see I gave you everything you wanted. You wished to shrink, and be forced to become the helpless foot slave to a beautiful woman who holds complete power over you. I chose the woman who best fit those requirements for you. Namely the one you would least desire to serve.”

Feeling a pit in his stomach, Cody shakily nodded. She wasn’t wrong. Much as he was objectively attracted to Kayla, and especially her athletic golden-tan ever-pungent bare peds, his girlfriend’s sister also happened to be his absolute-last choice of a hypothetical slavedriver giantess. In his thrill over the power of these three wishes, he’d let himself choose too quickly, and had apparently landed himself in probably the worst situation of his life. Still, the room was deserted except for his puny self and the genie. There was time to correct this grave error, and at least walk away with his money, even if he was disappointed to have missed out on the chance at a better-planned sensual escapade as a different slightly-less-bitchy giantess’s foot pet.

“Okay, okay, I… wish I didn’t choose this,” Cody sighed. “Make me my real size again, and not Kayla’s foot slave.”

“You really didn’t listen to any of the rules, did you?” the genie replied. “You must have only been thinking about getting here and becoming someone’s foot slave, without considering any consequences. I’m not some birthday party magician, you know. Try to listen this time: I can’t undo a wish with another wish. Sorry.”

What?” Cody croaked, but before he could stammer out more questions or try to improvise a loophole wish to get him out of this mess, rhythmic tremors began to ripple through the floor and into his six-inch body due to faraway heavy-soled thuds. He couldn’t even see her at first, but was weirdly well-acquainted with the pace and impact of Kayla’s gait, albeit never having experienced it from this pitiful size, where her every distant footfall made his bones quiver. And so the shrinker was fearfully imagining her towering visage before she’d even marched into the room. Her massive trim-and-toned silhouette filled up his view like a gorgeous living monument, much like he’d always lusted after yet never believed would really happen, though the elation Cody should’ve felt at having his macrophile ambitions satisfied was heavily tainted by the knowledge of how badly he’s screwed up this chance-of-a-lifetime, and also by the cold loathing in Kayla’s eyes as she glared down at her shrunken property with her hands on her hips.

“Well, that’s interesting,” the brunette giantess snarled, though she didn’t seem to notice the genie. Even as simple as this statement was, she declared it so much like an insult that Cody’s skin crawled. Nevertheless, he stood humbly beside the shoe, wringing his hands and nervously meeting her gaze on high. “It’s like I’m looking at the world’s ugliest hairless dog standing on its back legs and thinking it’s a person now. Really weird. Really creepy. Tell me something, slave. Did I give you brain damage for fun the last time I used you, and then I just forgot about it? Because I can’t think of a single other good reason for why you wouldn’t be bowing to your owner right now, or why you would think it’s all right to look me in the eye?”

Feeling his heart in his throat, Cody immediately threw himself onto all fours, pressing his forehead into the floor and clenching his eyelids shut, to remove all chance of further offending her. Still, he couldn’t help but peek outward again in paranoia when he felt the ground jolt the hardest yet, and could sense the burly heated proximity of certain deeply-imposing objects even before he looked. Sure enough, Kayla had shuffled closer, planting both shapely gloriously-nude sweat-anointed feet near enough that Cody perceived their radiating tropical post-exercise climate, their balmy stink-slimed aroma, and could’ve reached out and touched her muscular yet dough-bulbed giant toes. A part of him actually still wished to do that, even while he was petrified by her cruel tone, her intimidating aura, and the acceptance that he truly had dug his own grave here. Though he had yet to realize just how close to literal that was.

“You really are choosing to test me today, aren’t you?” Kayla balked with irritation, alarming Cody anew. He couldn’t have bowed any lower than this, even though he was obviously tardy with it. What more did she want from him? Scared as he was, and desperate to exit the circumstances of his second wish, it hardly seemed like the right time to request that Kayla release him from his servitude to her feet.

In the time the shrinker took to nervously blink, he was roughly accosted by the forward-swinging momentum of those same wriggly toes he’d briefly hoped to touch, though she’d nudged him hard enough with her foot that such a wish quickly went out of Cody’s mind. There was a fleeting impact where his head was faceplanted squarely into the oily workout-drenched pad of the giantess’s big toe, imparting its wretchedly raunchy flavor as well as a smarting blow from her soft-yet-firm foot flesh that made him see stars, and then he went flying backward as if he’d been struck by a car. Landing on his side, with the wind knocked out of him, Cody couldn’t even attempt to resume his kneeling posture before Kayla’s foot followed him. He caught a passing glimpse of her long meaty wrinkle-blessed sole shaped to its most vengeful crescent-curve, saw her furious squint above framed between her flared toes, and then suddenly the giantess was upon him: not just for another taunting punt, but stepping down to bury him entirely below a squashy sock-toasty grease-dribbling ceiling of brawny underfoot slab.


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