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Bri looked no closer to comprehending this sickly exercise, but Kayla spoke with such authoritative confidence, and the inch-tall lowlife at her toes was doing a good enough job already to keep her interest, that she only made a fake pre-puking sound in jest before reaching for her discarded gray ankle socks. She treated them with gentle reverence, careful not to spill a precious drop of the collected moisture that still matted down the dirty cotton stitching in tacky splotches that Cody could see even from a distance. While he continued rubbing her digits, the bottom of the glass was resting dead-ahead between Bri’s insteps. And so the miniaturized victim had to watch as the youthful giantess wrung out both socks one at a time like waterlogged washcloths, twisting and squeezing directly over the glass rim, and allowing an impressive near-unbroken trickle of her liquid foot-flavored exertion to pour down to the basin.

“Yuck-yuck-yuck!” Bri whined. “It even sounds gross on the cup!”

“Good job, keeping doing it exactly like that!” Kayla instructed. “When it’s empty, then just drop him right in there.”

When Bri had expunged every loose droplet from both socks, leaving no corner of smelly fabric un-clenched, there was an appreciable micro-pond of salty musk-thickened perspiration pooled in the cup. There were even a few dots of leftover lint floating in it like pond scum. This might not have seemed excessively gruesome if Cody was still normal height, but of course he wasn’t, and it looked comparatively like more than a gallon of the girl’s tepid debris-treated foot sweat was waiting for him, which made the shrinker feel like his stomach was turning inside-out before he’d even drawn a single salty lick of it to his lips.

The effect worsened when Bri’s fingers came to collect him, her hand still wet from thoroughly draining her socks of school-day brine, but she pulsed him tight to her clammy palm, only unfurling her fingers when she held him above the glass of her fresh-squeezed sock juices. Down the ramp he slid, straight onto the squeaky glass slope. Bri was at least compassionate enough to tilt the cup on its side so Cody didn’t plunk straight to the hard surface below, but the ride was nonetheless unpleasant, ending with a literal splash when he plowed face-first into the swampy sole-and-toe seepage at the bottom. Immediately the one-incher was half-splattered with the stuff, though there was still more than plenty left to drink.

“This seriously could not be any more gross,” Bri’s voice echoed down the glass tunnel. “But you’re absolutely positive it’s gonna make him better at rubbing my feet?”

“One hundred percent,” Kayla vowed. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”

Declining to answer, but smiling all the same, Bri pinched her nostrils closed and brought her lips as close to the cup as she dared. While her feet still kept the sweat-holding structure rooted in place upon the unsteady cushion, Cody felt doubly jailed by the side lengths of both bare peds smushed comfortably against the glass on the other side, reminding him of exactly where he was, why, and what was about to go into his throat.

“Are you sure he’s not too small to drink all that?” Bri asked. “Maybe you should make him bigger first.”

“Nah, he’s fine,” Kayla chuckled. She crouched over the cup, meeting Cody’s gaze through the glass and smiling widely at him, which was disturbing when there was already a distortion effect like a funhouse mirror making the vindictive brunette appear even larger than she was. “Aren’t ya, champ? You’re so thirsty for all that gloop, you just can’t even stand it. This is your medicine. We’re gonna get you fixed up.”

“Charlie,” Bri droned, more imperiously now. “Drink my sweat. All of it. Don’t stop until it’s gone.”

Feeling as though his heart might shrivel up from hopelessness (if indeed he still had one in this synthetic shape), Cody fell on all fours, dipped his entire face into the most generous center depth of the ultra-viscid sweat puddle, and lapped like a dog in the desert. Even with his lids shut, the stewed excretion stung his eyes and sent it up his nose too, all while his tiny robo-mouth greedily invited in lap after gooey lap. Bri’s edict forced him to work with machine-like efficiency, probably sucking up foot runoff and chewing through toejam faster than a vacuum cleaner could. It was only because of Charlie’s need to stay alive in order to keep serving his giant mistresses that the programming allowed Cody to take ragged gulps of ruinous oxygen shorter than a pro-swimmer’s before dunking his face back in the hyper-sour bog. The odor was so steeped now in the glass that it went beyond intoxicating into another realm entirely of sensory abomination, burning his gullet and pruning his tongue as the blonde’s zesty foot oils flooded into his system almost as fast as they were squeezed out of her socks before. If there was a way for him to feel lesser than he did right now, Cody wasn’t sure what it could possibly be, though he still had faith that if it did exist, Kayla would find it and then make it worse somehow.

“I can’t even believe how gross this is,” Bri reiterated yet again, though for all her complaints, she was watching Cody drink very closely now, and her tone suggested more discovery than queasiness. She bobbed her toes on the cushions and ever-so-gingerly rolled the glass between her insteps by alternately sliding her feet back and forth, which created a tiny whirlpool of her puddled sweat and briefly spun Cody in a dizzying loop that also ensured his whole inch-high self was slopped completely in her sock-sluiced gunk. Not even this was enough to halt his work, though. “Just look at him go. I guess this really doesn’t bother him at all, huh?”

“How could it?” Kayla laughed. “It’s not like there’s a person in there, no matter how much he sorta looks like one.”

“I guess you’re right. He’s just… a pretty useful thing,” Bri conceded. “Like a sock or nail clippers or something.”

“Oh, I almost forgot a step from the video! Silly me.”

“What is it? He looks like he’s almost done with this. Look at him, just licking the glass now. Yikes. But, I guess he looks happy about it. Maybe that means he’s actually getting energy out of it like you said. Am I supposed to get him out of there yet?”

Cody had successfully gulped his way through most of the wrung-out lake of Bri’s sweat grungily coalesced after an unwashed gym period, a run to the bus, and a muggy ride home in too-tight socks and shoes. With only residue left in the cup, he was no longer in danger of drowning in a puddle, but as his tongue was permanently extended now to imbibe every bitter drop, he didn’t exactly feel any better. Especially because no ounce of optimism still remained in Cody to let him believe Kayla would declare the experiment over yet.

“Not quite, nope,” she predictably answered. “We have to let him sit in there for a while. You know, give him time to process it all. But there’s one more thing they say you should try. Go ahead and give him some of your spit to drink, too. Don’t just do a baby one, though. Like, take a second and get a nice big ball of it gathered up, and really SHOOT it in there for him. Then after that, you can leave him alone with me if you want to go chill out in your room or something, and I’ll tell you when he’s all better again.”

Bri opened her mouth as though to ask a question, but seemingly have accepted all this weirdness now, just went with the flow and began undulating her cheeks, swishing saliva into a larger frothier helping. Cody could only catch glimpses of her preparing his next liquid meal, but could hear the squealing of the girl’s tongue and cheeks pressurizing to produce a worthy portion of drool, until her lips parted and the payload was expelled. Just as her sister had instructed, Bri spat out a horrendous glob of her spit like a gummy cannonball. The soppy bulk of it landed almost-squarely on Cody, followed by a thinner sputum string connected to the rest that came quickly after, all of which gelled over him like melted syrup redolent of mint gum.

“Okay, Charlie, I guess drink all that too,” Bri shrugged, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she stood from the couch. Having learned to enjoy her power over him for, she added more firmly: “Do it right now. I’ll be back soon. And then I guess we’ll see if you’re a better teeny-tiny foot worker, like Kayla says. Enjoy!”


THE END (for now, but these characters will back soon)


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