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“You want me to use him again?” Bri asked her sister, raising an eyebrow. She studied Cody’s doll-scale face, frowning slightly and pursing her lips. Part of the shrinker hoped against all odds she’d look into his eyes and recognize him without speaking, even though he knew what a stupid impossibility that was. From so close up, he noticed a sheen of sweat on the “little” blonde’s forehead and neck, her cheeks ruddied, and an overall humid-springtime aura about her today like she’d just gone for a jog, instead of returning from classes.

“Well, of course! I think I’ve got him working better than ever now, and thought you should get the first test run,” Kayla brightly stated. “After me, obviously. I gave him a pretty good working-over already. But he’s thirsty for more, I can tell ya that much. By the way, how come you look like you just sat in a steam bath for an hour?”

“Hey, don’t be mean!” Bri griped, wrinkling her nose and fanning herself. “You know it’s hot out, they didn’t give us enough time to shower after gym class… again… plus I almost missed the bus, so I had to run, and then the air conditioning was broken. It’s just turning into a crappy day, you know?”

Cody minced. If only she knew what an understatement that was.

“Well, then it’s actually your LUCKY day!” Kayla corrected and gave the robo-slave in her fist a shake, then almost-forcibly pressed him down into Bri’s warm open hand. “Because this little loser’s whole purpose in life is helping you out in times like this. I mean, your feet are probably killing you, right?”

“Yeah, they are…” Bri relented with a shrug.

“Come on, then. I’ll show you what he’s really made for.”

Though Cody hoped Bri might claim she was too tired or bored to bother with him, she was apparently just intrigued enough, and willing to go along with her big sis’s endorsement. A minute on, the golden-haired titaness was lounged on the couch like the day before, and at Kayla’s insistence, pried her shoes off, peeled the darkly-moist socks away, then planted both heels firmly up on the cushions. Her smooth wet arches formed twin walls over Cody, who felt the ground sinking beneath him in answer to the weight of her perspiring body, and especially the petite monuments of her nude peds.

“So, what, he’s just gonna rub my feet? After I tell him to?” Bri asked.

“Pretty much. Only, there’s one thing I’ve gotta tweak on him,” Kayla said, then took out her phone. She was too high for Cody to see what she was doing from his position down on the couch, while bowed before the younger sibling’s size-7 soft salty-glistening soles, but in seconds he found the answer, when he looked up in gut-wrenching terror at Bri’s feet, which were “only” a bit over double his height before, but now seemingly enlarging, expanding proportionally into moist pink pith-creased monoliths quadruple their previous scale. Though Cody knew in the back of his mind that the Royal Footman came with an app to change its size to suit all service needs, it hadn’t sunk in how easily Kayla could shrink him down to a mere inch tall, as she had now, until it actually took place. It was already emasculating and existentially-depressing enough to know she could torture him to her heart’s content at four inches.

“Much better,” the tanned amazon replied with a more resonant boom. To Cody, Kayla now appeared over forty stories tall, and when she took a step closer to the couch to closely supervise his smallest most-shameful task yet, he felt the furniture tremble like a tectonic shift. “Go on. Tell him to get to work.”

“How’s this supposed to be better?” Bri questioned with a frown. She gazed dubiously at the miniscule android down between the creamy canyon of her bare insteps, even dipping one giant foot low enough to gently bop Cody on the head with the upper region of her heel as though to test if he was still real: a blow that pitifully knocked him on his back. “He’s so small that he doesn’t look like he could do anything to help.”

“Hey, don’t underestimate Charlie. I used to, and now I see that we’re going to be the best of friends. He may be crazy-puny… and weak… and kind of nasty… but he makes up for it in spirit, what’s on the inside, and plus his super-teeny hands can get into tight spots better,” Kayla teased. She crossed her arms, then gave the helpless silent-stricken Cody a cruel smirk and a wink when Bri wasn’t looking. “Now… I am still working out a few of his kinks, after all the technical difficulties Mom had with him. So he may not be perfect yet, but trust me: work him as hard as you can, and he’ll do his best, no matter how sad it is.”

“Okay, fine, fine. Charlie… start rubbing my heels. No slacking.”

Seeming to go along with this more because Kayla had worn her down, Bri curled all ten toes until the spiral pads paled from pressure and the laden sweat-soppiness in the balls of her feet shone brighter, as the bug-height being got vigorously to work rubbing her thick mildly-spongy heels. In the process of scrunching her digits, the soggy ripples all the way down her now-humongous arches deepened beautifully, showing off peachy-white hues and plush textures in astonishing new detail that Cody hadn’t been able to “appreciate” until he was standing before them at only an inch. Indeed these were the kinds of sights that would’ve had him drooling yesterday morning, but now he wished only to be literally anywhere else on Earth. Even the trash bin might’ve been preferable at this point, if this wish-hell truly wasn’t going to end.

“Well, that’s not as impressive as I hoped,” Kayla groused, after quietly overseeing several grueling minutes of Cody’s hardiest effort on her little sister’s naked heels. The shrinker couldn’t even disagree completely; at an inch tall, his strength was so inconsequential, he doubted he was doing much more than itchily tickling Bri, despite putting his all into punching and roughly caressing this surface suffused with sour-acidic after-school stench. More frighteningly, this base region of the barefooted underside was less absorbent then the area above, which Cody could still see imposingly displayed above, a greasy glimmer painted in every wrinkle and globs of gray jam nestled between her stubby toes, visible even from all the way down here.

“Really?” Bri asked, changing her tune. “He’s… not amazing at it or anything, but it’s okay.”

“Okay is NOT enough. Especially for how much Mom paid for him! Maybe you should make him rub the middle, too. See if that helps.”

“I guess so. This is kind of helping already though, especially since my feet hurt, so I wouldn’t want big hands on them. But okay. Charlie? Rub my soles now. And… do it even harder than you already are. All over, too. Don’t just stay in one spot.”


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