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By the time Cody finished gobbling up the wretched clumps of brine-washed filth from that tan toe cleavage, he lacked the fortitude to do anything but cough through the after-taste. Still, having heard Kayla’s whole spiel, and come to truly understand not only the depths of her contempt toward him, but her potential for power-drunkenness when she had a helpless robo-imprisoned creature at her disposal, he didn’t bother trying to convince her otherwise. It was certain what would happen if he attempted to argue again, no matter how pathetic he came off. The way things were going, the more piteous he seemed, a worse punishment might await. Without even a pause to catch his breath, his arms resumed the same podiatric treatment on Kayla’s tough heinously-moist twin soles.

“I guess that’s a pretty good start,” the giantess shrugged, after nearly an hour spent wearing Cody out by re-massaging and re-tonguing regions of her feet he’d already long-before tended.

If this was only a beginning, the shrinker doubted he’d have the strength to see the end. On the slightest of bright sides, areas of her feet he’d already licked spotless and then loosened the sole knots with his exhausted hands didn’t stink quite so sharply on a second, third, or fourth pass, and most of her sweat had either dried or been sponged into him. Still, by then the little butler was beyond fatigued and even more beyond defeated. The one and only solace, just as when he was put in the thrall of Diane’s peds but far worse, was the knowledge that regardless of the tortures she put him through today, it would all cease tomorrow.

“Well? Aren’t you going to say thank you?” Kayla imperiously questioned, after slapping both soles down in front of Cody with an iron thwomp and a joint-popping toe curl.


“Yes, obviously. This was your wish, wasn’t it? And I’m helping it come true. I mean, it’s pretty obvious why you did this. I’ve seen the way you used to watch Charlie under the table, working on Mom’s feet. You think you’re sneaky, but you’re not. No, you’re just a nasty dirty-dog perv with a sick thing for feet. And I just gave you a whole buffet of the thing you love! Believe me, I almost didn’t, once I figured it out, since I’m not exactly thrilled about helping you. Still, Charlie can’t get disgusting boners, and I don’t have to worry about you going rogue and trying to hump my toes or whatever, since you only do what I say, so it’s all good. But, I bet this isn’t all you wished for. No, you’re the depraved kind, I bet. What else is waiting in that dumb little foot-fetishy head of yours, I wonder? First things first, though. Say thank-you.”

“T-Thank…” Cody powerlessly cringed, the taste of her sole still ripe on his tongue. “…you.”

“You are so welcome. And now, we’ll see how you like doing a good deed for Bri instead. She should be back from school soon, and the Vans she wears are always in ugly shape,” the giantess said with a smarmy smirk. Hopping off the bed, she scooped Cody roughly into her fist, as she made her way for the door. “Remember, I can’t choose what you say, but I can sure as hell shut you up faster than you can get your kooky explanation out. So if you try anything funny, like telling Mom or Bri who you are, your mouth will end up too busy kissing a puddle of my sweat for the rest of the day. Clear?”

“Yes,” he meekly sighed in her grip.

Maybe he’d again been too quick to assign rock bottom, when Kayla kept finding new lows for him.

“I’m hooooome!” came Bri’s dulcet announcement from the other room, followed by the slamming of the front door.

Even down the hall, and no longer marooned on the floor where he could feel every tremulous jolt of a giantess’s faraway footstep, he could hear the rubber-soled skip of those Vans he’d been forewarned about. Looking apologetically up at Kayla, who only stifled a laugh and then pressed a finger over her lips to shush him, Cody wondered if there was any choice he might’ve made differently on this train wreck of a day, aside from never wishing to imperatively serve Diane’s feet, that might’ve protected him from the next onslaught of mortifying embarrassment. First he could’ve just gone along with what his original “owner” wanted, instead of faking an error. Then he could’ve just held out and kept his secret from Kayla. Of course the safest change of all would’ve been to go back in time and ensure he didn’t so blatantly lust after Diane’s feet in front of her step-daughter, who not only hated him to a degree well-beyond what he’d guessed, but was also aware of his fetish, and now intended to weaponized it against him.

“Hey!” Kayla cheered with more happiness than Cody had ever heard directed his way, as they emerged in the living room. “How was school?”

“Oh, pretty good, I guess,” Bri shrugged. “It was lame, though, because after gym class there was a fire drill and then we didn’t even have time to shower before next period. It wasn’t that bad, but still… gross.”

Since the eighteen-year-old was all but the spitting image of Diane, a pint-sized five-foot-one frame and golden-crowned with the same color eyes as well, Cody thought he was prepared to see his girlfriend’s younger sister, but yet again experienced the shock of witnessing another woman he once towered over having now become a relative colossus. He tried not to look at her too long, maybe hoping to be forgotten in Kayla’s hand, but still couldn’t help fearfully sneaking a peek below. In fact Cody knew exactly the Vans his tormenter was referring to: Bri’s favorite pair of footwear, once snow-white, but now stained beige by earthy wear, with scuffed rims and splattered laces, and the shrinker doubted the interior was much prettier.

“That DOES stink, for sure,” Kayla said, unable to hide a grin that was surely meant for Cody’s further chagrin. “Not you, obviously. The fire drill.”

“Well, I probably kinda do, also,” Bri admitted with a smirk. Still, the “little” blonde heaved her backpack on the floor, then collapsed into the couch cushions, while Kayla posted near the end, still cinching the robo-butler in her fist. “But I’m not nasty or anything, so it’s okay if I chill out here for a second. Just don’t tell Mom.”

“My lips are sealed,” Kayla said, catching Cody’s eye. “You know I can keep a secret.”


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