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Whatever breed of hollowing dread Cody had first felt moments before, when grappling with the possibility of spending all day licking Kayla’s caustically-sweaty toes on an infinite loop, was nothing next to the despair brought on with each booming peal of the tanned valkyrie’s laughter. In retrospect, he hadn’t felt quite hopeless yet, even when trying to admit the humiliating truth to a gigantic woman who didn’t care much for him. But this was it. This was actual rock bottom. With no other recourse, Cody began frantically wishing as hard as he could to reverse his kinky misfortune. If sensuous longing had imprisoned him in Charlie’s robo-frame, then perhaps the hysterical regret and utter terror he felt now would be enough to undo it.

But he wasn’t going anywhere. Not until she gave him permission.

“Seriously… this… couldn’t be any more perfect!” Kayla guffawed, doubled over now and clutching her toned abdomen from the sheer humor of the helpless toy man currently standing on the bedroom floor in the intimidating presence of her shapely beefy-soled size-9 behemoths. “I really just can’t get over it. Honestly, I don’t know what I would’ve thought was your problem if you weren’t such a dingus and just told me yourself. I wouldn’t have thrown you in the trash or anything, but I’d definitely just be leaving you to Mom, because of how creepy it was to hear you talk fake. But now? Well, let’s just say I’m going to be using you a LOT more. Get over here and start rubbing the bottoms of my feet, Cody, before I have to try another manual reboot on you. Not that I don’t want a good reason to…”

Immediately the shrinker marched toward the bronzed monolithic slopes of Kayla’s peds, the undersides of which were helpfully displayed when he came close enough to follow her order. Dropping to his knees, Cody struggled to find the words as his hands faithfully commenced kneading and knuckle-rolling both the perspiration-sticky plains of her soles, from squishy toe-trunks down to the hardy rounded heels. A chorus of her over-emphatic pleasure-murmurs told him he was at least doing it correctly enough not to earn another punt across the room, but this wasn’t the rescue he’d hoped for. Though pessimistic, he was willing to give the giantess the benefit of the doubt here. Maybe she was just in shock. Who wouldn’t be? Sure, she didn’t like him much, but was a slight-distaste enough grounds to keep on abusing his robotic servitude for her selfish purposes, especially after she’d just made him relentlessly tongue up her curdled sweat? She hadn’t even apologized.

“Kayla…” he muttered, humbly as possible. “…please. I know this is all… crazy, but can’t you… do something to help? Please, I’m… begging you.”

First of all, what exactly would you want me to do?” the giantess crowed with a withering grin, crossing her arms and sucker-punching Cody in the side of her head with her oily big toe, causing him to capsize. Of course right after he went back to arch-fondling like nothing had occurred. “You said it yourself. You wished this to happen for, what, a whole day? I may be awesome at a lot of stuff, but I’m not magic, or whatever the hell did this to you, so you can only blame yourself for getting into this mess. And anyway, it’s not like you’re useful for a whole lot else until you turn back into a boring old person-version of your boring old self. You might as well try to think of other people, for once in your life, and think of this like your charity for the day. Something nice, that you might not like, but somebody else does. For example: I want you to bend over deep right now and lick out that big gunky toejam spot, riiiiight in there, in between. See it? Now eat it.”

Intaking air like he’d been gently impaled, Cody could form no other argument yet, and had little time for it anyway, as his body bowed to Kayla’s whims again. Hunkered in a rather degrading four-limbed crouch like a dutiful puppy, he turned his head to the side so as to make for an easier fit into the putty-smooth groove of lint-speckled toe flesh. He saw exactly what she was talking about: a grisly wad of cemented sweat, dark sock fluff, dead skin, and anonymous grit all fused at the size of an apple, at least for him. Right away he detected the distilled musk of that grunge-blob alone, drenched through and sculpted by squeezing pressure from Kayla’s hotly-exercised toe mass. While he’d now had more practice in a single hour licking Diane’s and Kayla’s feet than he ever guessed he’d experience in his lifetime, this new challenge added another execrable layer to his undoing.

“W-Wait… Kayla, d-don’t… please don’t make me… e-eat that,” Cody gulped in disbelief, as his body willfully inserted his head into her humid crevice.

“Less talk, more chomp.”

“PLEASE! I don’t want to-”

“Do you really think this is about what you want anymore, you annoying little asshole? If what you said is true, you’re going to turn back into a stupid human being again tomorrow, which means I haven’t got long to give you a piece of what you deserve. In case you can’t tell, I don’t like you. In fact, I kind of hate you. Obviously it would’ve been “rude” or whatever to just say that before, but hey, your wish kinda turned into my wish, in a funny way, and now I get to do and say whatever I want to you. So try to keep that trap shut, so you don’t give me a reason to think up something even worse right after. Now EAT.”

Without further fearful dawdling, Cody got to scarfing through the balled-up toejam feast stuck between Kayla’s meaty digits. Every strain of cloying sole-B.O. zip he’d already learned he hated, contrary to his foolish fetish beliefs, via licking Diane’s foot before was now received in a gooey package of tenfold amplification. He openly gagged and teared up, but had no power to halt his feeding progress, and was well on his way to polishing off the whole damp chunk of toe-dreck inside of two horrifying minutes. As he worked, the giantess leaned back on the bedside and returned to her previous satisfied croons, the kind that might’ve even naughtily intrigued Cody, if their cause wasn’t his poor shrunken nostrils and lips vacuuming up the fruits of her labors.

“You know what else is funny?” Kayla cheerily spoke, while the robo-slave at her feet gargled through the hellish slickness of her toe-vice. “Like you heard me telling Mom, I’ve never been super into the whole Royal Footman thing. Yeah, Charlie’s fun to kick around, and since you obviously still have all his regular talents, like doing what you’re told, he definitely knows his way around massaging and cleaning up a dirty foot. I’ll give you that much. But, c’mon. It’s a super-expensive toy, at best. I thought Mom was crazy to pay as much as she did for him… or I guess, you. This, though? Like, if I’d walked into the store and they told me I could have a little robot that had to do everything I said, except my sister’s shitty boyfriend was stuck inside it, and even though he could talk back and bitch and moan, he couldn’t stop me? I’d have paid ten TIMES what Mom did. I’m not kidding. This is worth it. Lucky me, though, I got you for free, because you’re an idiot who wished yourself this way. Which means I get to fuck with you until the exact second you turn back into a person, and then who the hell is ever going to believe your insane story? Honestly, as disappointing as it’s going to be when I can’t just force you to rub my soles and lick my toes and eat out the jam, I’m still going to love that you have to live the rest of your life, knowing how much I got to fuck with you today. And you couldn’t, and won’t ever, do anything about it.”


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