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The giantess didn’t delay in reaching for her bookmark and closing the tome, but neither was she in any urgent hurry. Still just visibly just as relaxed as when Tony joined her on the balcony, Lillian still kept one leg cross over the other, with a cozy-looking lavender house slipper dangled of her half-exposed sole peachiness. Just enough angled sunlight penetrated that space between the fabric footwear and her corrugate-textured arch flesh to give this blessed bodily architecture an especially saliva-inspiring sheen and accentuated suppleness, more so when she curled her toes within and caused the foamy insole to mutedly clap against the flawless hump of her heel. The romance novel was placed reverently on the ground beside her lounge, and only then did Lillian even grace Tony with dead-on attention, bringing her sunglasses lower on the bridge of her nose as she placidly observed him below.

“Of course, my love,” she drawled, a little too playfully to suggest she’d heard the gravity in her puny husband’s voice. “What would you like to talk about?”

“Can we just cut the shit already?” Tony scowled, harsh in his tone, though he also did his best not to descend into any mouth-foaming tantrum theatrics, knowing he’d lose all leverage then. “I’m not in the mood for whatever-the-fuck you think you’ve been doing to try and get the better of me, just because you think I’m too hot for your feet to see through it. News flash, Lil. It didn’t work.”

Doing?” the giantess repeated back with feigned naivete, placing a hand over her heart as if she meant to clutch for nonexistent pearls. “My darling little one, I’ve only been doing what you’ve asked for all along. Are you telling me that you’ve changed your mind now about how you want things to be? Between us? Just you, me, and my feet?”

“I haven’t changed a goddamn thing. And you know it. You just saw an opportunity, you twisted my words, and you took advantage, even after everything I’ve done for you, and everything I’ve given you, when all you had to do to pay me back was indulge me here and there,” Tony accused. He was only getting angrier when Lillian still didn’t drop this whole sugary play-dumb act after his first snarl, but he fully intended to keep himself in check: an aim he steadily failed, as his voice turned more vulgar and acidic. “You know absolutely-fucking well that everything you’ve been doing to me is over the fucking line. You know almost as much as me exactly what I can take, and what I can’t, and suddenly you just stopped caring which. And then this morning, you really expect me to believe that you took me seriously, when I said I wanted more? I was only trying to make you WAKE UP and see how fucking out-of-control this whole thing has gotten. Guess what, Lil. At this size, as often as we do it, when you’re trying as hard as you’ve been trying now? Your feet fucking HURT. Everything hurts! If it wasn’t for whatever those boys in the lab cooked into that tech, you’d probably have popped every innard and crushed every fucking bone in my body by now. But we both know you’re not that stupid, Lil. You know what kind of fucking torture you’ve been putting me through, and you also didn’t really fall for what I said before. No, you just took advantage of me again, just like you’ve been taking and taking and goddamn taking for weeks now, because… well, fucked if I know. Because you’re sick of pulling your weight. Because you want a bigger allowance. Because you were lucky enough to land a husband with enough prestige to give you everything you ever wanted but, boo-fucking-hoo, he has a thing for getting stepped on, and that was just too much for you to handle. Only instead of just saying you couldn’t handle it, you took the coward’s way out, and tried to make me hate the thing I love most, or hell, maybe you just tried to drive me out of my fucking mind with all the pain you thought you could drop on me without, you know, just straight-up sticking the point of your goddamn stilettos through my fucking brain and getting it over with. This… stops… now, Lil. All of it. The fucking jig is up. Just fess up, tell me what your endgame was here, and then I’ll tell YOU how things are going to be from now. Go.”

Tony sincerely hadn’t meant to reach such mortal extremes in this necessary dressing-down, nor did he intend to enter such a foul tongue, using an intensity of language he’d never before spat at his wife and definitely never thought he’d have to. Yet the longer the six-incher unloaded everything he’d been grudgingly holding inside for weeks, the more he realized he meant every word of it. It was done now. All on the table. He couldn’t handle one more instant of this idiotic power dynamic tug-of-war with Lillian. So no matter how ugly he had to get right now, things were about to change between them forever. And for once, Tony was actually – if yet unknowingly – correct in that belief.

Lillian nodded politely, then calmly removed her sunglasses and drummed her fingers on her top-crossed thigh. No longer with those shaded panes partially obscuring her sightline, that old familiar foreignness of pure cold animus had passed over the lovely giantess’s face again. Only it wasn’t just a bizarre glimmer that Tony merely noticed by chance before she carried on smiling with the usual devotion; the woman’s countenance had frozen that way this time, staring down at her shrunken husband with every cosmetic feature of her comely anatomy still in its correct place, yet she might as well have transformed before his very eyes into a total stranger, if not a member of a different species entirely. Even before she spoke, the six-incher couldn’t help but wince and then wobble backward by one pace, with sweat on his forehead and his heart in his throat, at the inhospitable atmosphere radiating off his once meek and mild-mannered spouse. Christ, she was big. Had their difference in size really been this obvious from the moment he arrived home in that box, or was he just opening his eyes too late?

“Oh, I see, little one. You… want us to be honest with one another now. Completely. Well, why didn’t you just ask? Nothing would give me greater pleasure,” Lillian said. In contrast to her husband’s shrieky vitriol, the quiet assuredness of her voice could’ve calmed a panicking animal. “Of course I know it hurts you, the way I’ve been stepping on you lately. I know you’ve been asking me to stop, begging even, and fighting to get out from under me. And I’ve ignored you, on purpose. Every hour of every day, you must be just hoping with all your might that I won’t come find you and put you under my big scary feet again, so you won’t have to keep pretending that you’re okay with it, just to protect your adorable macho-man ego. You always did like it rough, though. You like to feel everything. Or so you say. You just never counted on such a big dose of that feeling. And, yes, I also knew you were telling me a tiny little white lie this morning, when you said nothing I did to you with my feet would ever be enough. But I didn’t mind that. Sometimes husbands and wives have to tell each other things like that, to spare the other one from those annoying little truths that would just upset them more. You did ask me to tell you what I want out of all this, though, so I suppose I will now. It’s very simple. I want… everything.”


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