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Cody necessarily did the best he could, but he was being squeezed so hard to the floor under musty sole creases and the body weight of a “petite” giantess fifteen times his stature, that all his programming managed was to writhe in response. Diane didn’t seem to mind, though, muttering gladly to herself at the commencement of his insect-like resistance, and maybe even brought satiation again by the feeling of his insignificant robotic physique quaking petulantly under her foot. While Cody still wasn’t in tortuous misery, he was more concerned about the unsteadiness he suddenly felt through his body, as the titanic blonde now was surely testing the limits of his durability, all for the sake of a reboot. Jut how easily would he come apart?

“There, that should about do it,” Diane said, apparently only following protocol, and after a carefully-counted sixty second continuous trample, relinquished the pressure on her plaything. “Okay, Charlie, get up. Then get over here and stick that disobedient face where it belongs, between my toes. Make sure you get in there good, too.”

Quick as ever, Cody was up and scrambling on all fours to jam his whole skull into the flexed-out space of moist V-shaped flesh between Diane’s two largest digits. It was a tight squeeze, but the miniscule robot’s programming wasn’t about to settle for just softly kissing his face against the tender flanks. Only wedging himself in tight like a pedicure separator would do, and as a result, Cody found it even more difficult to draw breath while his whole world became the darkened pinch-point astride those toes, especially once Diane began to clench him there.


Again there was hardly room to obey, but Cody did his best, still wishing to wretch up the tangy malodor baked into her toe crevice, but he still had no choice except to imbibe.

“And now tell me how you feel about being the butler to my feet.”

Following a thorough tongue-worship in that feverish toe slit, the giantess flared her digits again and unpeeled Cody’s face from the hot zone, leaving him to conk back to the floor in a smelly state of humiliation and anguish. If only he’d been born with a less demeaning fetish, and if only whatever higher power had answered his wish had just left him to stew in fantasies, instead of teaching him to be careful what he wished for.

“It’s… good,” he whimpered, knowing that couldn’t possibly be how Charlie was supposed to sound, but Cody was also too disgusted and fatigued now to do better. “I… like… it.”

“Oh, no,” Diane muttered, cupping a hand over her lips with worry. She shook her head, pacing another few laps around the subjugated toy at her feet. “I sure hope Kayla has a good idea, because I’m certainly out. But don’t worry, Charlie. I’m not giving up on you. We’ll have you back to normal soon enough.”

Short of Diane learning his identity and of his paraphilic lust for her feet, this was about the worst news Cody could’ve received. Kayla, unlike Diane, wasn’t particularly fond of the real “him.” Still, he knew he’d blown his chance, and there was no way to convince his “owner” not to call in tech-savvy backup without starting an even worse conversation. So he remained standing in the middle of the floor, silent and stock-still despite his anxiety attack, as a hulking lily-white size-5.5 ped impatiently tapped the floor in front of him, her drumming toes sending appropriately suspenseful tremors up through Charlie’s body. It only took a phone call, and minutes later, Cody heard the ponderous toll of even-larger feet thumping confidently into the room. Though his back was turned and he hadn’t been given permission to turn and see her, he noticed Kayla’s silhouette, notably taller than her mousier stepmom’s stature, overtaking his pitiful four-inch shape. If he had the ability, he would’ve gulped and doubled over from nerves, but his robotic anatomy held firm.

“All right, so what’s wrong with your dumb little boy-toy this time?” the towering brunette athlete demanded with a giddy smirk. She halted her march when both of her burly car-sized bare feet appeared either side of Cody, fencing him in between tan insteps, while the pillars of her toned legs rose up and out of his field of view.

“I just can’t figure it out! And this has never happened before, I’ll have you know,” Diane corrected.

“Oh, you know I’m just kidding. I get a kick out of lil’ goody-two-shoes foot-licker Charlie,” Kayla relented with a chuckle. Suddenly her right foot arched off the ground, splaying her meaty toes and etching new wrinkles along the whole underside, before she nimbly swung the thing behind an unnerved Cody’s back, spread her two thickest digits apart, and slipped his head right into the nook of toe cleavage for a pinch. Grasping him by his neck and noggin alone, she clamped tightly enough using only the warm mealy-scented crevice of her recently-exercised foot to suspend him off the ground like a hangman. “We have our fun. Don’t we, Charlie?”

“We… have… fun,” Cody choked out. He wasn’t sure what tormented him worse, the sensation of the fitter giantess’s muscular toe shafts closing his throat, or the linty vinegary after-effect odor of her latest workout.

“See what I mean? He’s performing his jobs well enough, but he’s not saying any of his normal phrases. He even tried to tell me to give him a break earlier, so he could power back up, but look at him, still standing there just fine,” Diane said. “Something’s just not right. But you know how I am with technology…”

“Fine, fine, I’ll see if I can kick him back into shape for you,” Kayla replied.

“I tried that! And it doesn’t seem to have worked.”

“Well, then, maybe I’ll have to kick him a little harder. You know I can. Or, just make him lick my toes until he remembers his robot manners again. Whatever works.”

Ten minutes later, Cody was standing in the middle of Kayla’s bedroom floor, staring ahead at her sizable bare feet while she flexed her toes in his direction, her sun-kissed skin still wearing the toejammed residue of sodden athletic socks. He felt tenser than ever, and was beginning to seriously regret trying to trick Diane into sticking him back in the corner for a “recharge.” Sure, it was awful having to pay literal lip-service to her feet, having had the fantasy illusion shattered by the stale sweaty appetite-killing truth of what it was actually like to worship a day-weary feminine foot larger than his whole body, but at least it was still just Diane: meaner than he thought her capable of, yes, but at least she seemed to care for Charlie in a strange way. Kayla, by contrast, seemed to view the butler as a silly diversion, at best a game to play, and considering how aggressive Kayla could be when she wanted to “win” a game, Cody’s insides ached with apprehension.

“Well, well, well,” Kayla drawled, clicking her tongue as she disinterestedly studied the four-incher below. “Want to tell me what the problem is, Charlie?”

His heart pounding, Cody almost preferred that Kayla just gave him a nonspeaking task to perform, even if it involved the forewarned toe-scrub along the loping contours of her toe valleys, or the exertion-swollen slab of her crease-populated sole. At least then he didn’t have to try to think up an answer that maintained his disguise. He’d just have to put himself in a dissociative state while Charlie did all the work, gobbling up every ounce of grime, grit, and sock runoff caked on that amazonian bare foot. Ironically, he’d never fixated on the idea of subjugating himself at Kayla’s peds, only Diane’s, perhaps because Ashley’s sister was snarly and standoffish enough around him that he preferred the thought of becoming briefly enslaved to the (he thought) kinder-hearted of the two giantesses.

“I’m waiting,” she uttered with annoyance.


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