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He’d started having second thoughts while scraping his taste buds over her toe bulges, but there was no denying it now: Cody was done. Not even his deep-rooted macrophiliac desires could overcome the sensory revulsion of all the punishment he was receiving now. His nose was scorched by a concentrated smog of dank fumes released from between toes and out of every tessellating sole dimple. The briny flavors leeching from her porous ped flesh were making his repelled tongue numb, though still not enough to deprive him of tasting every drop of her unclean ripeness either. And while Charlie’s robotic constitution meant it wasn’t quite agony to be stamped and pounded underfoot, it was still an unsettling experience, claustrophobic while making his whole frame creak at once. Cody didn’t know how, but he simply had to get out of this goddamned wish as soon as possible. But since he couldn’t move his body without permission, and wouldn’t have had the strength to overpower one of Diane’s feet even if she ordered it, his options were frightfully limited.

“You know, people like to go on and on about certain inventions, and the way they improved life by leaps and bounds… vaccines, air conditioning, computers, whatever… but for my money, whatever genius created you, you nasty little foot-licker, deserves a Nobel prize,” Diane cooed. Her tone was sarcastic, but Cody could tell she also truly meant it when she expressed how much she valued him, or rather his semi-pliant body and inability to refuse her demands. Grasping the sides of her armchair and lulling her head back, the five-foot-one leviathan moaned again in satisfaction, stretching herself into a more spread-out posture, and simultaneously pushed down on her sole pet all the firmer. She ran her fingers through her hair while continuing to make sounds Cody guessed he’d never hear his girlfriend’s stepmother making in his whole life, and especially not while she was tormenting him with the swampy effluvium and robo-busting strength of her supple arch.

“But of course, you like it too, don’t you, Charlie?” she abruptly questioned. “Not the flavor, I suppose, since you couldn’t have an opinion on those things, but pleasing your owner? Serving the only meaning something like you ever could? If you only exist to do what I say, then it must make you so happy, that you could just burst, every time I put you in your place. Tell me how you like it.”

Between one helter-skelter breath and another, the trample fest ceased to give him a chance. Diane’s leaden sole unstuck from Cody’s bullied frame, grazing her dewy toe tips over the four-inch slave’s head on the way up again. The sudden liberty startled the wish-shrunken creature almost as much as when she’d initially trodden on him for a one-sided undersole wrestling match punctuated with licks. What hurt almost as keenly as the taste of her squalid perspiration on his lips was the fact that he had an opportunity now. If only he’d been planted in this synthetic mini-body with the ability to move on his own, with or without an order, he could’ve jumped up and made a run for it. But he was just as trapped here on his back by programming as he’d been when Diane was hammering him under that pulpy pink sole. And then, hearing her clear her throat, he realized she was actually waiting for a response, not just taunting him. But Charlie wasn’t going to say it for him.

For a relieving instant, Cody considered screaming out who he actually was and begging Diane not to keep treating him like a man-shaped doormat, while somehow trying to explain the wish which put him here. Inevitably, though, he’d have to detail the deep coveting for her feet that had cursed him here, ironically now loathing the extreme toe-slurping sole-smothering fetish playland he’d dreamt of for so long. How could he possibly explain that to the stepmother of the woman he loved? Not sure it was the best choice, then, but too afraid to speak the truth, Cody uttered his best impression of the Royal Footman:

“Error. Energy is low. Please allow a rest period.”

As he spoke, Diane was already in the process of dropping her foot back down and clasping Cody anew under that musky effort-swollen oblong pad of sole. No-doubt she was expecting a simple admission of glee from Charlie at the prospect of sniffing more of her stale reek and then tonguing it up in fluid form, like she’d probably heard a thousand times before. However, after registering Cody’s stilted voice, her foot halted and reversed course again, slamming back to the floor so close to the four-incher’s head that he could feel the heat of it radiating. Far more troubling, though, was the look of supreme puzzlement and even simmering irritation on her face. Things were bad enough when Diane was in a good mood, as Cody had discovered firsthand while getting sweatily roughhoused moments before, so even a hint of pursed lips and furrowed brow made his spine chill, assuming Charlie had bones.

What did you just say?” Diane whispered, perplexed, as she leaned forward in her chair to better examine the action figure-sized butler sprawled between her bare insteps.

Again Cody found it to be a benefit that he couldn’t move, badly as he wished to flee, because Diane would’ve otherwise seen him shaking like a leaf at her interrogating tone. Just as threatening was the sheer presence of her feet resting as altars on either side of his little body, ready to cinch inward and make a sandwich of him between greasy sock-jammed soles.

“Energy… low. Please allow… a rest period.”

Cody doubted he was as convincing that time, but then again, it wasn’t like the jig was up either. The wish-granting reality of what had happened was far too insane for Diane to figure out who he was from a single oddball phrase. Then again, if she was sufficiently confused, she might resort to cracking him open with a screwdriver to find the problem, and then he just might wish she’d have instead gone with the quicker option of obliterating him under her ramming sole with car-compactor gusto, until he was no more.

“Rest period?” she gawked, raising her eyebrow and stroking her chin. “But… I charged you all night. And… you just did a wonderful job, as always, of rubbing and licking like the good plastic foot-slut you are. That’s very strange. All right, we’ll get to the bottom of this. Charlie, stand up.”

His shrunken robo-self did so right away, which he knew probably undermined his words. Sure enough, Diane scrutinized him more suspiciously than ever. Standing up from the armchair, she began to walk around in a slow tight circle, repeatedly fencing Cody in between her feet from so close that he had to wonder if she’d accidentally catch him under her step. He desperately wanted to flinch at each close call, feeling the warmth and wind of her swiftly-descending sole, followed by the rumble of the impact and the tremor in the floor running up through his diminutive scale. But again, all he could do was stand vulnerably in waiting.

“Just too peculiar,” Diane sighed to herself. “All right. Well, the manual did have a couple of tips to try, for if you ever had a glitch. Let’s try the first one. Charlie, get into reboot position.”

Flooded with panic, but also having no choice, Cody had no idea what that meant; his body did, however, forcing him to stand up straight as an arrow, his arms at his sides. Nothing happened for a second later, during which he expected Diane to flip some secret switch aligned on his back. Instead, he heard the breeze of a kickball windup, and then the giantess launched her foot straight into Cody. Though it wasn’t top speed, and not a cruel enough punt to send him flying so high that he damaged her home, Diane nonetheless sent her robo-man soaring from the brunt of those five toes clobbering him at once, backed by the strength of that relatively-small but still feisty ped. Feeling every bit of the force from that strike, Cody flew in a low arc and landed in the other room, face-down, but had only seconds to regret his decisions, before he saw another ovular shadow enclosing around him, followed by a quashy odor-thick arch isle coming down on his back, only this time while Diane was standing at full height.

“Fight back,” she calmly murmured.


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