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“Emma, this isn’t you! Whoever’s making you do this… you’re stronger than them! You can fight it! I know you can!”

The beautiful two-hundred-foot destroyer didn’t know where this quiet strangely-familiar voice came from, but it definitely wasn’t the falsified version of her mother maliciously instructing her to do the aliens’ bidding. Yet she “knew” it, and him, right away, still without being able to place whoever was speaking. The surprise of these inspiring words, for the first time in several disastrous minutes, allowed Emma to come to a standstill. Her involuntary laughter stopped. The athletic brunette caught her breath, with her gigantic sneaker still planted atop the ruins of another crushed outdoor shed, while palming a massive leafy tree like a pom-pom, and listened.

“That’s it!” the boy’s voice cried out, though he himself was still unseen. “You’re doing it! I know you’re a good person! You don’t really want to do this! FIGHT it!”

“I… I don’t want to do this…” Emma repeated in mumble, coming slowly out of the carnivorous rage-mode again. She rubbed her eyes, dropped the tree, and cautiously removed her shoe treads from the structure she’d just squashed, leaving behind an ample footprint in the debris. Her heartbeat was still pounding, and the headache hadn’t quite gone away, but it seemed the voice of that boy, whoever he was, had indeed helped draw her out of that annihilative haze, while there was still some part of the miniature neighborhood yet to save. “T-Thank you. Who… said that?”

I did!” the speaker squeaked at the top of his lungs from far below, and finally Emma’s gaze fixated upon the comparatively two-inch-tall boy. He’d evidently wandered far out into the yard, standing rather dangerously close to the giantess in order to make himself heard over the deafening WHOMP of her deadly soles and bedrock-quivering booty cheeks, even though from this range, it would’ve only taken a single stride on her part to mush the boy into insectoid roadkill smeared under her shoe. After batting her eyes and waving her hands to clear the smoke from all the wreckage, Emma recognized her diminutive helper as none other than Billy, the soft-spoken guy from her science class. She didn’t know him well, but had always enjoyed it when they crossed paths since she admired his academic prowess and even found him a little cute, and so was flabbergasted that this near-stranger of a boy had just risked his life so grievously in order to get her attention.

“Billy?” she gasped, stooping closer to the ground so as to better hear him.

“H-Hi, Emma,” he sheepishly stammered, now overwhelmed by the far-reaching shadow of the humongous cheerleader’s body, not to mention her gorgeous and fantastical two-hundred-foot presence itself. “Um, are you… okay?”

“Am I okay?” she repeated in disbelief, still shocked at what Billy had just done. Without thinking, she scooped both palms carefully together and collected the boy upon the platform of her soft fingers, then brought him nearer to her billboard-sized face. This move startled him, but he didn’t flinch at being cradled in her clutches. “Why did you do that? Oh my Goooood! I could’ve, like, CRUSHED you! To nothing! I didn’t want to, you were right about that, but I couldn’t control myself!”

“I just… had a feeling that you were in there somewhere still. I know I don’t really know you t-that well, but… you’ve always been so nice to me, and I didn’t believe that you really wanted to hurt anyone or destroy things,” Billy awkwardly yet sincerely explained. “Also, I heard you say something about… s-somebody controlling you, so I just hoped… well, you know-”

“Well, you were right! THANK you, Billy!” Emma enthusiastically interrupted, and again without thinking, brought him close to her mouth, heavily planting a grateful wet smooch over his entire head and chest at once via the pillowy pucker of those huge lips. This affectionate gesture seemed to unnerve the boy even more than when she’d casually picked him off the ground, though he appeared delighted as well. No matter the kind of berserker-giantess mania he’d just watched Emma vent upon these oh-so-breakable houses, after all, it was impossible to ignore the fact that the nicest, brightest, and prettiest cheerleader at school had just kissed him, of all people. The sporty titaness herself smiled clumsily in the aftermath, flirtatiously toying with a loose strand of her hair, but quickly snapped back to focus. “Uh… sorry about that. But, like, I NEED to destroy that… stupid thing buried in the ground, before they can take control of me again. I just know it’s the reason they can make me do things, whatever the freaking heck it is. I almost had it last time, too, but I took too long, and they made me stick it back in the ground. Okay, Billy, I’m going to put you down. Slowly now, so you’ll be safe. I want you to run away this time, just in case something goes wrong. I’d, like, feel sooooo terrible if anything bad happened to you, after you just helped save me. All right?”

“All right,” the boy begrudgingly agreed, still reeling from the head-spinning allure of that mega-scaled kiss, as Emma gently set him back in the grass by her monolithic sneakers. He began to back away, though not at a sprint, as he couldn’t help but fear she’d need his voice again to guide her out of the alien furor. “Be careful!”

“I will,” Emma promised, then took a deep breath, and marched over to the clearing at the woodland’s edge once again where the mysterious otherworldly device was submerged at the center of the faux-crop circle. No sooner did she dig her giant fingers into the earth to rip the machine free again for good, however, when she was attacked externally rather than through her synapses, in the form of a fiery impact striking her in the back from somewhere above. Though Emma could tell the attack’s source hadn’t actually cut into her skin, it had definitely at least singed her uniform, and also caused the cheerleader to topple onto her side, rolling over and crushing a few dozen more trees in the process. Had the aliens, or whoever it was that left this device to control her, come back to defend their cruel toy?

Looking up in bewilderment, however, Emma realized her assaulter wasn’t a UFO, but rather a military helicopter, and it had just fired a missile straight at her. Though relieved that apparently not even rocket-powered artillery could leave a scratch on her, the giantess was left aghast when she turned around to witness a miniscule but nonetheless imposing force of many Humvees and tanks accelerating across the ruinous battlefield of the neighborhood she’d just half-destroyed, while more choppers buzzed in toward her from every direction. Their arrival ultimately wasn’t a surprise to Emma, considering she’d just spent much of her morning having occasional uncontrollable spells of wrecking various sites around her hometown, and she guessed the army was even less likelier to believe her claims of innocence than the frightened townsfolk were. And once the enormous cheerleader had come to terms with the fact that she was under attack by the United States military right now, her first concern wasn’t for her own safety, but rather that of all these highly-crushable bulletproof matchbox vehicles who might be extinguished if their harmless bullets and missiles accidentally activated another brain-jacked rampage out of her. Her next thought, held in even greater panic, was for Billy, who she realized wasn’t even close to reaching shelter before the swarm of tanks and helicopters all open-fired upon their lovely ponytailed twenty-story-high target.

“BILLY!” Emma cried. Abandoning the buried mind-control device again, the giantess dove across the landscape on her hands and knees, just managing to cup her palms like a shield around where the puny boy was cowered on the ground just before that hail of lethal armaments began pinging off her immense body. Their weaponry itched her flesh, rather than inflicting pain, but Emma could feel those projectiles charring and tattering her blue-and-white cheer outfit, which definitely irked the girl considering how fastidious she usually was about maintaining her prized uniform, but it was also difficult for her to blame these tiny yet furious troops for damaging her clothing when she, herself, had laid waste to so many cars and buildings around the city earlier. Rather than try to talk to the army just yet, though, Emma knew her biggest priority was to destroy that device. Cushioning Billy between her fingers to protect him from the continuing crossfire, the cheerleader held him close enough against her uniformed breast that he could feel her pulse racing, even through her squeezing palms, and then carefully rose onto her haunches again, looming majestically above the pitiful armed forces below.

“I’m, like… really sorry… about all this!” Emma huffed to her pointless military oppressors, while trudging back toward the landing zone, one heaving foot-stamp at a time. The bullets and missiles kept bouncing off her shapely silhouette and burning new holes in her uniform, but still had yet to actually damage the titanic lass herself. Careful to keep Billy fully cloaked in the spongy grip of a single giant fist, then, Emma began burrowing away dirt once again, until she could feel the alien device at her fingertips. Just when she had it in her hand for the second time, though, one squeeze away from freedom, that head-spiraling motherly voice returned: “Don’t do this, Emma. You are meant for so much more. There is so much that can be accomplished, if you only put that thing down, and do what you deserve. Look at these disgusting bugs. They would attack someone who is literally a god to them. They are foolish and unworthy to be whole. Crush them. Crush them all. And then claim this world for your own. For us.”

“N-No… not AGAIN!” Emma shrieked, feeling the mind control resuming, which was not only bad news for all those tanks and helicopters which she could trample to scrap or swat out of the sky like gnats, but also for Billy, who was only safe inside her hand so long as she could keep this alien influence from squishing him to pulp between her fingers. “I… am not… EVIL! I… won’t… let you… arrrggghhh!”

“You can do it, Emma!” Billy cheered from her hand, with his well-intentioned whisper of a voice reaching the giantess’s ear just before that diabolical mental warp took hold again. Emma felt like she was drowning in fresh air, frozen horrifically in place with the device still intact in her palm, but the boy’s cries helped re-strengthen her resolve. “FIGHT it! You’re good! You don’t want to hurt anyone! P-Please, hurry, destroy that thing!”

“I will. Now, you… get out of my head, and STAY out!” Emma roared at the alien hijacker voice, and then in a single pulse, crumpled the metallic spark-crackling cosmic box down to useless refuse with just one obscenely powerful hand. Just as she’d theorized, the instant this broadcasting piece of superhuman technology was taken out of commission, the giantess felt as though a metaphorical probe had finally released its hold on her cerebellum. She felt free. Clear. Even happily at-peace, despite still being two hundred feet tall, and surrounded by miniature army men who would require convincing that she was no longer a threat. Such problems seemed so solvable now by comparison. Nevertheless, as all the heavily-armed military hardware paused following that first useless attack volley, perhaps even having realized the futility of wasting so much ammo upon someone who was invincible, Emma took a seat on the ground, sighed with relief, and then smiled at Billy in the palm of her open hand. “You helped me again! Like, seriously, I don’t even know how to say thank you. But, if you don’t mind sticking with me for a while longer, cutie, I’m sure we can think of something.”




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