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For a while, Emma bowed her head and tried to ignore that gut-feeling she had of so many miniscule attentions paid to the town’s goddess-sized super-citizen. But then eventually, not wanting to deny her true nature, and hoping that such confidence might also allow her to prevent any more mind-control invasions, she smiled, held her chin high, puffed out her buoyant chest, and marched with a proud spring in her heavy steps. Strange and uncertain though it was to be a towering skyscraper of a woman above her hometown, Emma could no longer deny that, deep down, it did feel good to have her usual stunning presence amplified to such enormity. She only hoped she could find a solution to this bittersweet problem before her body was used for any wanton destruction again.

The expensive neighborhood appeared to be abandoned when Emma stepped over its gated entrance, though she guessed fearful onlookers were gathered indoors, ready to hide in their panic rooms if she tried kicking in the brickwork of their residences. Even these many sizable mansions were little more than modest roadblocks to the giantess, who could easily hop over multi-million-dollar homes in a single bound. Though she did no such thing, and was more careful than ever not to step on any vehicles that might’ve been serving as a refuge for diminutive terrified passerby, all without compromising her self-assured type-A strut. Soon enough, she tracked down the house in question located beside the woodland, which had appeared so vast last night, but now consisted only of trees that looked comparatively like an overgrown thicket to the astronomic cheerleader.

“Huh. That’s weird…” Emma remarked to herself with a frown, upon finding roughly the spot she was bathed in that unexplained flash the night before, and seeing what looked like a sixty-foot-wide ring shape that had harvested through and evenly cut down many trees. She stooped down, still casting a blimp-length shadow across the ritzy neighborhood street, to better examine where she’d been accosted last night. If the idea didn’t seem so ridiculous, the giantess would’ve said this looked like a stereotypical crop circle from an alien invasion sci-fi movie. But then again, maybe she was already past rejecting things because they seemed ridiculous, considering she had become a monumental juggernaut-footed monster-cheerleader in her sleep. She was just about to walk away in defeat from the lack of clues when she noticed a curious burrowed-out mound in the center of the not-a-crop-circle ring. Once Emma took notice of this oddity, she only had to dig a few feet deep into the earth with the muscular pull of her fingertips to uncover a blocky silver object the size of a refrigerator, which she could of course hold in the palm of her humongous hand. A steady blinking beam of multicolored light shone from the top. “Okay, that’s interesting. And even MORE weird. Did… whoever did this to me… leave this thing here, like, on purpose?”

Then at once, the flashing lights on the buried probe all turned crimson, an alarm sounded from the possibly-extraterrestrial device, and seemingly as a consequence of that, another throbbing headache ten times worse than the previous one now pounded the inside of Emma’s head. She gave a roar of distress, clutching her temples and shaking as she collapsed to her knees on the party house’s expansive backyard, on the verge of tears from the stress. She couldn’t explain how or why, but knew instinctively that this hidden handheld machine had something major to do with these mind-controlled spells she kept suffering, and probably whatever supernatural bewitchment had turned the gorgeous formerly-petite teacher’s-pet cheerleader into a proportionally-ginormous woman-shaped natural disaster in the first place. For a moment, Emma thought about trying to crush the questionably-alien device in her massive iron-strong strong, hoping to end its control, but before she could, the assaultive migraine turned into another horrifying brain-dominating episode, which forced her to kneel down – all while laughing maniacally against her will – and place the silver otherworldly contraption back in the ground where she’d found it. Vaguely, Emma became aware of more pint-sized civilians standing on the ground nearby in her peripherals again like collected colonies of humanoid insects, perhaps having emerged from their homes when they noticed the giantess’s forward march coming to a bizarre intermission while she investigated the woodland’s edge. Fearing for their safety after what was about to happen, she waved her hands at them as though running through one of her peppy squad routines, and shouted with all her might:

“Everyone, GET BACK! PLEASE! I don’t want to hurt anyone, but like, this weird thing I found, whoever made it, they’re… trying to use it to make me do things I don’t want to do, and I don’t know if I can stop it this time! Not unless I… can destroy the… t-the… oh, NO!”

Emma’s compassionate warning devolved into another groan and then more high-pitched laughter that unnerved the many tiny neighborhood witnesses far more than her heartfelt attempt to keep them all away from the inevitable rampage. A few people did retreat back into their homes, but many were too morbidly inquisitive about the unpredictable yet beautiful titaness to obey her right away, which was a choice they soon reversed once the two-hundred-foot-tall cheerleader finally lost all control and commenced her most savage frenzy yet. She kicked through dense tree trucks and cleaved them apart like dandelion stems with one brute-force punt from either of her capacious sneakers. She plucked sports cars off the roads, and rather than trouncing then under her heels, smacked each toy-like vehicle hard against her buttocks like empty beer cans and then snickered wildly as they folded in on themselves. She scooped up an entire poolhouse in her arms and squeezed it against her plush yet burly bosom until the structure popped apart like a cheap arts and crafts project, raining mortar and rafters down the voluptuous façade of her prodigious uniformed body. She even performed a cartwheel like she would in the middle of any ordinary cheer choreography, but of course the momentum generated by such a substantial being bashing the malleable ground beneath her hefty feet and spacious palms as she spun like a giant human windmill was almost enough to crumble the neighborhood’s very foundations. If there were any tiny neighbors left who hadn’t yet started sprinting for cover from Emma’s amazonian earthquaking havoc, they certainly were now.

Throughout this destructive pandemonium, Emma fought as hard as she could from the inside to wrest control again of the feminine-shaped storm that was her own twenty-story-tall chic-uniformed body, but to no avail. Worse, the enormous cheerleader was no longer starving or on the verge of passing out from thirst, meaning she wasn’t a second hamburger and soda binge away from banishing this alien invasion of her soul. So what was she supposed to do this time, Emma miserably wondered, except keep trying to resist the violet acts perpetrated by her stomping feet, swooping hands, and cannonballing bum? She wanted to cry or shout aloud with frustration, yet all the influential presence would allow her to do was thunderously cackle like a ridiculous Disney villain, as if the poor helpless people across the neighborhood landscape below didn’t already have enough reason to fear the giantess’s brutal plundering of their pricy yet ultimately paltry dollhouse-like mansions. Emma only hoped the people had enough sense to hop in their cars and speed out of town as fast as possible away from her, rather than trying to take refuge in their homes, since just about any part of her surreally large physique was capable of shredding, crushing, or otherwise powdering their residence – and any puny inhabitants along with it – into smithereens.


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