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Diane seemed to be tapping away on her cell phone now, though Cody couldn’t halt in his duties to look up and check. She at least hadn’t spoken to him for a while, which fit right in with the way he’d seen her treat Charlie during family gatherings, giving him his orders and then promptly forgetting he existed. Over the course of a quarter-hour of high-speed licking, during which he began to long for a break and possibly mint mouth wash to bleach away the stagnant zest of Diane’s dirt-glazed peds, Cody had only covered five her toes. Without so much as a pause to draw clean breath, then, he pounced to the neighboring foot and began the process again on her mirror-image set of giant squirming piggies.

If not locked into this robotic dance, Cody would’ve definitely been fighting his gag reflex and taking a lengthy rest by now. While he enjoyed the sensation itself of fondling the giantess’s beefy toepads with his tongue, he actually wished to take it much gentler, and at least spare himself some of the grimy zip soaked into her peachy foot flesh. Still, “Charlie” was programmed only to go for hard jaw-exhausting laps with barely an instant’s respite between sucking up bitter artifacts of Diane’s day sprinkled across her skin. Nevertheless, Cody was sure he could get through this single day with his dignity intact, having had a mostly-enjoyable erotic miracle take place, and maybe adjust his fantasy expectations in the future for how nice it actually was to aggressively lick a gigantic woman’s balmy dust-treated foot.

That expectation was broken again, however, when right as he finished cleansing the tenth toe, Cody was struck hard in the face by an object from a fractional-inch away. In hindsight, it should’ve been obvious that Diane had gingerly kicked him using the grungy bulwark of her big toe, but it felt so much like the impact of a car airbag, it took the four-inch robot man an instant to recover his thoughts, after sprawling impotently on his back like an overturned baby turtle. This body may have had impressive endurance for toe-suckling, but it was more obvious than ever just how fragile Cody had become.

“Oh, I swear, I never do get tired of doing that,” Diane swooned, going into a giggle-fit and clutching a hand over her heart. She shook her head, tsking at the helpless non-being she’d just booted over in thanks for all his gnarly tongue-scraping labors. More alarmingly, her entire broad-arched foot lifted off the ground, her pinkish digits waggling as they slowly hovered over the four-incher’s prone shape. “I don’t know why. Maybe because that blank expression you always have on your face, no matter what I do to you, just makes it even more hysterical. It’s like you want to tell me to stop, but you can’t, because… well, I’m the owner, and you’re the Footman. I literally gave you life. If I hadn’t bought you, then you’d just be sitting on a shelf, collecting dust. An empty little toy, just a pitiful shell, without a purpose. Well, I suppose someone else could’ve bought you, but… what a waste it would be, if you weren’t put to good use as often as possible.”

Prior to this moment, Cody would’ve been more turned on than ever at being talked down to by Diane in that unchanging upbeat-tone, but with the repulsive whiff of her toes still smeared in his mouth and his head dizzily stinging from that head-on punch to her freshly-licked toe brawn, his heart was now stampeding out of fear rather than horniness. Especially once Diane swung her entire colossal size-5.5 ped overhead, using the doughy wrinkle-stippled island of her sole alone to completely encompass him in shadow and block off the view to her face above. Although, judging by the lilting snickers still emanating from above that ceiling of her dingy arch slope, Cody surmised this behavior was not only on purpose, but all part of the normal routine.

Maybe, just maybe, he’d made a massive mistake in wishing for this.

“I’m not sure I even need to give you the orders now, Charlie. You must know them all by heart, or at least have them stored in your memory. But, like I said. I really don’t ever get tired of playing with you. Ready? Try to fight back now.”

Diane’s sole trounced down in one brutal stamp, burying Cody beneath a hefty, humid mattress of meaty underfoot force. She’d given him the order, which meant that he did pathetically rebel as she commenced grinding and squashing him down with just enough restraint to avoid breaking her favorite toy in the sour-scented chaos. Cody’s robotic limbs flailed and pushed back with all he had, but he could tell right away that she didn’t actually want him to have a chance of affecting her with his feeble resistance. Her laughter said it all. This was all pure entertainment, and probably a relaxing rubdown for her naked arch as well, though for the disguised little man suffering from her stride, it was a terrifying adrenaline rush.

Logically, Cody had to guess that Diane did this to Charlie quite often, which meant she probably knew how hard was too hard to step on him. But what if today just so happened to be the day she went too far? She could so easily pulverize her stepdaughter’s lover into a grisly mess of computerized bits under her foot, and without ever knowing what became of the real Cody, toss his robotic corpse in the trash and purchase another to pick up the toe-licking slack.

“That’s good. Just how I like,” Diane commended with purr, though her voice took on a vindictive sneer now as well. “Don’t stop fighting, but get back to licking. There’s plenty for you to work on down there, I’m sure.”

Cody had no choice but to submit to this command also, and strange as it felt to be so pointedly operating all his limbs and tongue on autopilot, he did so despite the almost-immediate exhaustion of trying to battle and make out with the bottom of Diane’s foot at once. His arms and legs kept tussling with pudgy sole wrinkles, getting no more of a result than if his body was made of spaghetti, while his tongue ejected to keep faithfully wetting down this wider, thicker, and much more violent region of the giantess’s murky ped. Though all Cody could see now was the shadowy slab of rosy-white sole bearing ruthlessly down upon him, he could hear Diane’s mocking chuckles above turning gradually to soothed sighs. Despite being brought apparent pleasure by her robo-butler, though, she showed him no mercy, and if anything pressed down yet harder at this intensifying of her contentment, until Cody’s limbs could only pointlessly gyrate under the soft musculature of that arch, while his tongue rigorously baptized the ball of her foot.

Fouler sweat-spiced flavors assaulted Cody’s gullet, and his entire body was starting to feel like a sardine in a can, continually compressed to the point of flattening beneath the giantess whom he once thought couldn’t have even harmed a fly. And maybe she still would be kinder to bugs, but since she thought he was only her emotionless sensationless four-inch servant, Charlie seemed to be the conduit for all Diane’s more domineering impulses. It was like she could only keep up the lovely smiley-faced stepmom façade by purging frustrations and playful sadism on this thing which had no power or will to stop her from faux-crushing him, or at least Cody could only guess that was the case, as he struggled to maintain consciousness while still hungrily licking up liquid foot-salt from her spongy sole.


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