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“NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!” the giantess screamed in rebellion as the telltale headache returned, pounding her fists on the diner parking lot to brace herself for what was coming, but there was no way to stop it. The titanic ponytailed lass’s hyperventilated defiance turned to weary huffing, then triumphant giggling again as whatever exterior force had made her devastate buildings both underfoot and via bum crashing now took the wheel again. On the inside, Emma was mortified by what was happening, trying to fight it with everything she had, but was nevertheless made into a twenty-story-tall puppet once more when she stood up, pivoted so her skirted uniform-complimented hindquarters suddenly loomed above the diner roof far below, and then let herself plummet as though gymnastically completing a pyramid routine with her squad. The resulting BWWWAAAM of Emma’s gargantuan tightly-clenched booty falling onto the burger-and-milkshake statues atop the establishment from a drop distance of at least sixty feet couldn’t be overstated. Both charming food sculptures made of stone and metal crumpled as instantly and easily as actual soft buns and a paper cup really would against the gravity-bound force of such a heavy sit-down on the part of this out-of-control cheerleader. And just as soon as those decorations were shattered by the cascading brunt of her caboose cheeks, the whole middle section of the restaurant architecture naturally imploded in on itself to rubble, leaving its larger-than-life patron seated in the center while dust rose all around her handiwork.

Internally, Emma was again horrified and filled with regret, despite having no chance yet to regain control, but found that once she’d involuntarily used her taut yet perky giant rump to aerially bulldoze half of the diner, the blunt-force of that landing seemed to have disrupted this outside party’s mental control. Having some slight agency back, the girl again thought like a scientist – knowing it was a risk as well – and began grabbing up whatever handfuls of puny diner food she could claim from the newly open-air ruins of the building, then shoveled them all into her mouth. The feast she enjoyed now was a jumbled one, squishing hamburgers, macaroni, hash browns, and muffins together by the ton into funny-tasting yet still scrumptious mixed mouthfuls that she wolfed down without hesitation. Desperate as she was to end her hunger, in hopes that it might weaken the control of the voice telling her to feed on the little people instead, Emma made an impolitely high-speed buffet out of every crumb she could find indoors, and in a matter of two minutes, had eaten every food item that wasn’t crushed by part of the roof when she sat down, totaling a fast-food bounty that could’ve fed hundreds of normal-sized guests.

At least this approach seemed to be working, however, since the giantess could feel the sharper ache of her hunger diluting now, and her vision was clarifying out of that dizzy spiral again. Distractingly, this also allowed her to realize for the first time that she had a frightened anxiously-whispering audience again. In all the surrounding streets, dozens of people were nervously gathered from a safe distance to watch the high school’s behemoth two-hundred-foot queen-bee cheerleader villainously laugh while breaking their beloved downtown diner apart like an old gingerbread house. But Emma couldn’t focus on the scores of miniature people, especially because if she couldn’t control her own living weapon of a body again, all of them would be in great danger.

The girl’s thirst was just as pointed as ever still, making her feel like she’d just been wandering a desert without water. After rising into a squat and casually rummaging by hand through the sculpture chunks and support pillars she’d demolished before, Emma gleefully discovered the soda-dispensing fountain was still miraculously intact. While she wasn’t usually a fan of carbonated beverages, beggars couldn’t be choosers in this emergency situation, and so after popping the top of the apparatus like a tin can, she threw her head back and chugged through the many bubbly gallons therein of cola, root beer, and all fruity-sugary variants, until she’d sucked it all dry. Such an instantaneous quenching did finally relieve her throat, but the downside was, especially given Emma’s inexperience with enjoying soda, she could now feel an airy chemical reaction preparing to erupt back in the other direction of her gullet due to her speed-drinking. And this bodily function was even more unstoppable than the rampage-voice in her head. Clapping both hands over her chest to brace herself, the giantess opened her mouth wide against her will and let rip a bellowing ear-splitting ground-swelling belch which at long last scared most of the observers away. The depth of that baritone “BRRRRAAAUUUUURRRPPP!” was far bassier than the slender and graceful cheerleader looked like she could’ve normally crafted, but none of the timidly gathered citizens could deny the culprit of that mega-scaled burp as they all fled for their lives.

“Oh my freaking GOD! That was, like, sooooo gross and embarrassing! Please, EXCUSE me!” Emma cried out in shame and despair, knowing that while her real mother probably wouldn’t really tell her to exterminate humanity under her shoe soles, both her well-to-do parents would surely at least disapprove of such voluminous public belching. Though if the family’s reputation was going to be harmed by anything today, the girl’s inexplicably violent foot-whamming butt-slamming outbursts were probably doing much more damage than a burp as loud as a sonic cannon could. “Wait, everybody, don’t run away from me again, I’m okay now! I won’t crush anything else! Honestly, I’m actually cool and nice to everybody! I just… can’t control myself sometimes today. I swear!”

Despite giving yet another sincere appeal, the girl knew it was probably less likely than ever that anyone would actually take her at her word, especially if they’d heard about her stampeding on those gridlocked cars and had now gotten a taste of what her trim-and-juicy gargantuan patootie could do to such a cherished landmark diner when she used it like a bench. Though filled with crippling remorse at having wrecked one of her favorite places in town, Emma was at least happy to find that her satiated belly had indeed successfully banished the voice in her head. No more the metaphysical forces were commanding her to go against her nature and eradiate everything in her path. At least for now.

After dusting off her uniform, Emma pressed onward toward the house, re-energized and more determined than ever to resolve this crisis before anything worse happened. Even if most of the people were currently hiding, she could sense many eyes upon her from all the homes and businesses she passed, with the population’s mood somewhere between fear and awe. Most of them had plenty of warning when she was headed their way, too, given the continued concrete-thrumming impacts between her sneakers and the streets. Normally, Emma thrived on this sort of attention. In fact, she craved it, not because of total self-indulgence like the malicious author of that voice kept trying to tell her, but because she was such a natural at basking in the spotlight and making everyone want to keep watching her. At least while dancing at parties or performing complicated cheerleading techniques at halftime. Now, the giantess was conflicted over having the whole town watch her elegant and immense twenty-story-tall frame silhouetted against the morning sky while she concussively trampled toward her destination and incurred the least number of quashed cars possible.


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